Dai Zhou said: "According to the law, this person should be sentenced to exile." Li Shimin was very angry and said, "Are you going to obey the law and let me lose my prestige?" Dai Zhou replied: "What was said at that time was only based on emotions, and the law was used by the state to declare great contributions to the world. Your majesty is very angry and wants to kill him. I already know I can't do this. Leave it to the law. This is precisely to endure small anger and ensure great credit. "
Li Shimin said, "Mr Wang Can enforces the law. What else can I worry about? " Just like this time, Dai Zhou would rather provoke Li Shimin than enforce the law impartially. What he said is like a spring that keeps pouring out. Li Shimin has followed his advice, and there is no injustice in the world.
Dai Zhou's Law Enforcement Author and Related Figures:
Sima Guang (1019165438+1October 17- 1086), whose real name is Junshi, was born in Suishui, Xia County, Shaanxi Province (now Xia County, Shanxi Province). Politicians, historians and writers in the Northern Song Dynasty. After the four dynasties of Renzong, Yingzong, Zongshen and Zhezong, he was given Wen's and Wen Guogong's courtesy. Work hard and diligently. Boasting that "the day is insufficient, the night follows", his personality can be called a model under Confucian education and has always been admired.
Relevant personnel:
Dai Zhou (573-633) was born in Qiao County, Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Prime Minister in the early Tang Dynasty, son of Dai, magistrate of Jixian County. In the early years of Sui Dynasty, he became an official in Ming Dynasty, worked as a captain in the official department, moved to the door and recorded affairs. Oppose the usurpation of the throne by the King of Zheng and leave Hulao Pass Town. Li Shimin, who surrendered to the king of Qin, was loyal and outspoken, and actively participated in state affairs, ranking among the prime ministers.
In the seventh year of Zhenguan (633), he died at the age of 61. Posthumous title Shangshu, the right servant of the Duke of Daoism, and posthumous title's loyalty.