|What are the symbols in computer programming?

“|” is not a word, it is a stroke, pronounced as: vertical bar.

In Win32 programming, the value of some window properties is to connect several constants with |.

For example:

if (x>5.0||x<-5/*x is greater than 5 or x is less than-5*/

{y=25.0 ;}


In fact, 1 and 11 are interchangeable, because C/C++ will automatically convert int type and bool type to each other, true Convert to 1, false to 0.

The symbol of absolute value: On the number axis, the distance between the point corresponding to a number and the origin is called the absolute value of the number.

Traditional. There are eight basic strokes of Chinese characters, namely "dot (丶), horizontal (一), vertical (丨), left (丿), Na (?), lift (?), fold (?), hook (亅)" , also known as "Yongzi Bafa".

It is the smallest connected stroke unit that constitutes the Chinese character shape. Strokes sometimes refer to the number of strokes. For example, there is a Chinese character stroke index in front of the character book.

In both meanings, "stroke" can also be used as "stroke", but it is now standardized as "stroke". In addition, strokes also refer to pictures drawn with pens. This meaning is generally used in ancient books and is not commonly used or used by people nowadays.