The university's traditional collection of books exceeds15.8 million volumes, which come from 400 volumes of john harvard's heritage. The core collection of this university is in the Weidner Library, which belongs to the College of Arts and Sciences (FAS) and is recognized as the flagship library of this university. Today, more than 80 libraries in Harvard are gathered in one system, which constitutes the largest academic library in the world. Harvard University Library is recognized as the largest existing academic library, and it is a unique category with the largest libraries in the world: the Library of Congress, the British Library, the New York Public Library and the National Library of France.
Harvard University Library is a library system, which provides comprehensive access to the collections of Harvard Library across various departments and disciplines.
In another sense, the library of Harvard University is a department under the central management of the school and reports to the president. This unique department, called HUL, is led by a senior faculty member who holds the title of professor of Karl H Pforzheim University and director of university library. In addition to being the head of HUL, the curator also explained the technical and organizational challenges of the library system to the President, and served as the collection manager of Harvard Company.