I heard that the land is on the shore, and it is not a Wang Chen; All over the world, isn't it the land of kings? One hundred and eight people don't have a man or an ear; Some 180 people have their own people. Do they really want to take Wanzicheng and Liaoer Depression as examples?
When reading Mencius, I can't help sighing that "Boyi lived in the North Sea along the Zhou Dynasty" and "Taigong lived in the East China Sea along the Zhou Dynasty". Although it is not good, it is inevitable. Although the seaside is far away, there is still room. Parents advocate that the old should be new. Although they are saints, they are not prosperous.
Mencius said he was willing to learn from Confucius, but he didn't leave the habit of the Warring States period, so he still said so, which failed to satisfy the hearts of future generations. If Confucius, it would not come from this. Now 180 people have their own people, which almost exceeds the ambition of Boyi and Taigong to live in the sea to avoid accidents. How can we train when righteousness is extinct! If there are 180 people and none, it is for the author of this book. For the author of this book, I don't know what kind of grievances he has in his chest, so I make such a statement. However, being a saint like Mencius is still a mockery of the great alcohol and small defects. Why blame the officials? After the gentleman, he also read his festival and mourned his heart.
This time, the ancient title is called "Wedge". Wedges are called things in things. Take the plague as a wedge and wedge out prayers; Use prayer as a wedge to wedge out Shi Tian; Taking Shi Tian as a wedge to crowd out Hong Xin; Take Hong Xin as a wedge and wedge out of the mountain; Take the mountain as a wedge and wedge it open; Taking excavation as a wedge, thirty-six plough and seventy-two devils are wedged out, which is called positive wedge.