As for gossip, it is divided into Fuxi gossip and Wang Wen gossip. If you go up and work for Kun, it's Fuxi Bagua, also known as innate gossip. At the top, far from the bottom, is the gossip of Wang Wen, also known as the gossip of the day after tomorrow.
Adding Taiji in the middle of the Eight Diagrams is called Taiji Eight Diagrams, because Taiji evolved from Chen Chuan's ancestors. If the story in the novel is before the Song Dynasty, it is a joke, so I don't need to say more about the reason.
Because gossip songs have no pictures, I can watch them myself.
Do it three times, Kun six times, shake the jar, cover the bowl, leave the middle empty, the ridge is full, the sink is missing, and the bottom is broken.