Please translate "Historical Records: Biography of Laozi and Han Fei" into ancient Chinese

Confucius went to Zhou State and was going to ask Laozi for advice on etiquette. Lao Tzu said: 'What you are talking about and the bones of these people have decayed, but their words still exist, as if they had just been spoken in the ear. A virtuous person will come out and take control when he gets the opportunity. If he doesn't have the opportunity, he will wander around the world unkempt. I heard that old businessmen hide their wealth and pretend to be poor; virtuous people have great virtues but look stupid. Give up your arrogance and desire to pursue, give up your proud appearance and long-term ambitions, these are things that will not be of any benefit to you. That's all I can tell you. ’ Confucius left and said to his disciples: ‘Birds, I know they can fly; fish, I know they can swim; wild beasts, I know they can run. What runs can be called Wang, what swims can be called Lun, and what flies can be called Rui. As for the dragon, I have no way of knowing. A dragon can ascend to heaven by riding on the wind and clouds.

I saw Lao Tzu today, and he was like a dragon!'


I don’t know what some of the words mean, there is no translation, sweat!