Original text:
Wang Dou, sir, made a door to see Qi Xuanwang. Wang Xuan expanded the audience. Wang Dou said, "Dou tends to regard Wang as a good power, and Wang tends to regard Dou as a good scholar. What's the matter with Wang? " The messenger sent the report. The king said, "Mr. Xu Zhimo, please come with me." Wang Xuan welcomed him to the door because of the trend.
When he entered, he said, "I want to serve the ancestral temple of my ancestors and defend the country." Mr. Wen is outspoken and outspoken. " Wang Dou said to him, "Wang has heard too much. Dou was born in troubled times, and things are different. How dare you protest aloud? " Wang Xuan was very angry and said nothing.
When the topic changed, Wang Dou said, "In the past, my late master and Huan Gong enjoyed five or nine courtiers, but when they conquered the world, the son of heaven was registered as an uncle. There are four kings today. " Xuanwang said, "I am stupid, and I am afraid of losing my country. How can I be ignorant? " Wang Dou said, "No, the first king was a good horse, and the last king was also a good horse; The late king was a good dog, so was the king. The first gentleman is good wine, and the king is also good wine; My late king was horny, and so was Wang. The first gentleman is a studious man, but you are not a studious man. " King Xuan said, "Is there no scholar to do today?" Wang Dou said, "There are no ears in the world, and the king has prepared; There are no dogs of Dong and Lu in the world, but Wang's lackeys already exist. There is no beauty in the world, and the palace is full. Wang is not good at being a scholar, why not have a scholar? " The King of Qi said, "I care about the country and love the people, and I am willing to rule by scholars." Wang Dou said, "You care about your country and love your people, not your rulers and hubs." The king said, "What is it?" Wang Dou said, "You regard people as the crown, not around, but at work. What's the point? Do your best. Today, Wang Zhiqi, if not left and right, will have no special envoy, so I say it is best to love the ruler. "
Xie said, "My country is guilty." So he appointed five officials to govern the state of Qi.
Counselor Wang Dou came to the palace gate to meet Qi Xuanwang. Qi Xuanwang sent an emissary to invite him in. Wang Dou said to the messenger, "It's a courtesy to the king to see him come forward and salute. The king also greeted me quickly, because he respected talented people. What do you think of the king? " The messenger went back to report to Qi Xuanwang. King Xuan said, "Wait a minute, sir. I'll listen to your opinion." Xuanwang hurried out to meet Wang Dou at the palace gate.
King Xuan came in with Wang Dou and said, "I inherited the throne and protected the country. Don't be afraid to listen to your outspoken advice. " Wang Dou replied, "What you heard is wrong. I was born in troubled times and served the confused monarch. How dare you say it? " Wang Xuan's face looks angry and unhappy.
After a while, Wang Dou said: "In the past, the late Lord Huan Gong liked five things, which made Qi Huangong dominate the world, led the vassal army to war three times, and formed an alliance with the vassal six times. King Hui of Zhou wanted to abolish Prince Zheng and establish a young son band instead. At the first stop, Huan Gong met with princes and princes from all over the world, thus consolidating the status of the prince. Qin Shihuang named Huan Gong Hou Bo and established his hegemony. Now you have four. " King Xuan said, "I am stupid and have little knowledge. Keeping together is always afraid of losing it. How can there be four? " Wang Dou said, "That's not true. My late Lord Huan Gong liked horses, and so did you. " My late master liked dogs, and so did you. My late master liked drinking, and so did you. My late master liked women, and so did you. My ancestors liked talented people, but you don't like talented people. Xuan Wang said: "There are no talents in the world today. What do I like? " Wang Dou said: "There is no swift horse in the world, and your four horse-drawn cars are all ready;" "There are no rabbits and black hounds in the world. Your hound is ready. There is no beauty in the world, and your palace is full. You just don't like talented people. How can you worry about those who don't? " King Xuan said: "I care about the country and love the people, and of course I need talents to govern the country." Wang Dou said: "You care about the country and love the people, not that you like short pancakes." King Xuan asked, "Why do you say that?" Wang Dou said: "You send people to make hats, not those who are good at flattering and being loved by the monarch, but workers who specialize in making clothes and hats. Why? It's because of the craftsmanship. Now that you govern Qi, no one can be appointed except those who are good at flattery and are favored by the monarch, so I say you love crepe. "
Qi Xuanwang apologized to Wang Dou and admitted his mistake. He said, "I am guilty of my country." So he chose five talented people to be officials, and Qi was well governed.