The emperor said: to live, you must be loyal, filial and righteous in order to stand between heaven and earth; If you don't do things like loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, although you are alive and your heart is dead, you just drag out an ignoble existence. The human heart is God, and God is the heart; Innocent heart, innocent god; If you cheat your heart, you cheat God. Therefore, a gentleman is afraid of three and knows four, and is cautious and independent. Don't say that the darkroom can be bullied, and the house leaks every night; Moving is quiet, and God can see clearly; Ten eyes and ten hands, come naturally. Cause is clear, I am unhappy. Prostitution is the first evil, and filial piety is the original. But the sin of disobedience cannot be said to be beneficial; Whoever makes sense has a clear conscience, don't say it's unprofitable. If you are wrong, please try my knife.
Respect heaven and earth, respect the gods; Serve ancestors and be filial to parents; Abide by the king's law, respect the teacher and emphasize the road; Love brothers and trust friends; Clans, and neighbors; Don't be a couple, teach the children.
Convenient and timely travel, extensive accumulation; Help the needy, pity the lonely and pity the poor; Create temples and print scriptures; Quit drugs, tea, killing and releasing; It is a pity to build bridges and roads; Heavy millet cherishes happiness, and disputes are difficult to solve; Donate into beauty and teach people; Unfair explanation, bucket scale is fair; Be close to virtuous people and stay away from murderous people; Suppress evil and promote good, benefit things and save the people; Change your mind and turn over a new leaf; Full of goodwill, evil thoughts do not exist; All good deeds are pursued with confidence; Although people don't see, God has already heard; Add happiness and prolong life, add children and benefit grandchildren; Disasters eliminate diseases, but disasters do not invade; Xianning people, lucky stars shine high.
Sick, can't do good; Prostitutes, wives and daughters, broken marriage; The honor of the bad guys, the skill of jealousy; Seek people's property and instigate people to argue; Harm others and benefit themselves, and the fat family nourishes the body; Hate heaven and earth, scold the wind and rain; Slander the holy and destroy the holy, destroy the image and deceive God; Slaughter cattle and dogs and drown paper; Bullying good people by the situation and suppressing the poor by the rich; Separated from human flesh and blood, human brothers; Do not believe in the right path, commit adultery and steal evil deeds; Good luxury, not frugal; Abandon grain lightly and do not repay kindness; Cover your eyes and ears and hide yourself; Set up a fake cult to seduce fools; Paradoxically speaking, ascend to heaven, gather things and commit adultery; Cheating openly and secretly, talking nonsense; Curse during the day, murder behind; Do not keep justice, do not follow the hearts of the people; Do not believe in retribution, make people do evil; Do evil without doing good; Official language, fire and water thieves; Malignant plague, failure and stupidity; Killing the whole family, stealing men and whoring women; Close to the body, far from the children and grandchildren; God is observant, observant and unscathed.
There are two ways of good and evil, and there are points for good and bad; Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil.
I speak English, and I hope everyone will follow suit. Although the words are simple, they are of great benefit to body and mind; Play insult me, behead fractal; Have the ability to praise, eliminate evil and celebrate; Seek a son and live a long life; Rich and famous, everyone can succeed; If you pray, you will get what you want; All disasters and snows disappear, and thousands of auspicious gatherings gather; Such a blessing can only be caused by goodness; I am selfless, but I care about good people; Do good, don't be lazy.
Note: In this article, "I" is pronounced as emperor.
Note: Kan and "Qiu" [Chó u];