Boya is good at playing the piano, while Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boya plays the piano, thinking about the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! As high as Mount Tai! " Thinking about running water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! The mighty water looks like a river! " Zhong Ziqi must know what Boya missed. Boya was visiting the northern part of Mount Tai when suddenly he was caught in a rainstorm under the rock. I felt sad, so I picked up the piano and played. At first, it was the sound of continuous rain, and then it was the sound of landslides. Every time he plays a piece of music, Zhong Ziqi always finds the source of his interest. Boya put down the piano and sighed, "You listen to the song well, well!" The imagination in my head is like my heart. Where can I let my piano sound escape your ears? "
Life is too short to find a bosom friend; Wan Li clouds and smoke, a thousand-year-old story. The foundation of pure friendship is understanding. The most vivid and profound explanation of China culture in this respect is the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. "Boya Juexian" is an eternal model of making friends, which has been passed down to this day and gives people eternal enlightenment. It is this story that establishes the lofty standards of interpersonal relationship and friendship of the Chinese nation.