1. The book "Mencius" was written by Mencius, his disciples and their re-disciples in the Warring States Period. The contents are as follows:
Sun Chou asked, "Although the Qi Lord is no different from the overlord, he is close to you, so he is a good general. If so, are you tempted? "
Mencius said, "No, forty without being tempted."
He said: "If it is, the master will far surpass Meng Ben."
Said, "it's not difficult. I won't be tempted if I don't sue. "
Say, "Is there any way to be indifferent?"
Said, "Yes. Gong Bei is brave and fearless. He didn't scratch his skin or run away. He thinks he will be defeated by others, but he will be blamed by the city. Not subject to Brown Kuo, nor to the king of a thousand riders. Depends on the king of thorns, if you stab the brown man. There is no strict prince. When the evil sound comes, it will be reversed. Meng's charity office is also brave, saying,' I would rather see invincible than win. I am also afraid that the three soldiers will be outnumbered and backward, and I am worried that I will meet again after winning.
Can you give up winning? I can be fearless. Meng Charity looks like a child, but it looks like a summer. I don't know the courage of my husband's second son, Meng Bushi, and I will do what I say.
A scholar once said, "Is Zi Yong?" ? I have tasted Wen Dayong's kindness to the master: I don't flinch, although it is brown and wide, I don't care; On the contrary, I became smaller. Although there are thousands of people, I will go. "Meng's charity spirit is not as good as his promise."
Second, translation:
Sun Chou asked, "If you are a great official of the State of Qi, you will gain hegemony and kingliness, just like the ancient overlord." Would you be so tempted? "
Mencius said, "No, after forty, I am no longer tempted."
Sun Chou said, "If so, Sir is much better than Meng Ben."
Mencius said: "It is not difficult to do this. Tell my son not to be tempted, it is earlier than me. "
Gong Sunchou asked, "Is there any way not to be tempted?"
Mencius said: "Yes, Gong Bei's way to cultivate courage is not to give in when his skin is punctured, and not to run away when he sees terrible things, even if others hurt his hair.
I also feel that just like being flogged in front of a large audience, he is not subject to the poor, nor to the monarch of a big country; The assassination of a great monarch is regarded as the assassination of ordinary people; He didn't respect the princes, and he was bound to be scolded if he was insulted.
Meng gave in different ways to cultivate courage. He said:' If you want to see victory even in the case of failure, then before confrontation, if you measure the enemy's strength, then move forward and think about victory and failure, you will be afraid of the enemy's three armies.
How could I fight because I won? I just need to be fearless. Meng Bushi, like. I don't know who is better than the courage of these two people, but Meng's kindness can keep the agreement.
Once upon a time, Ceng Zi said to Xiangzi, "Do you admire courage?" ? I once heard Confucius say that he was too brave, but he didn't flinch. Although he is a civilian, I am not afraid. I flinched and asked myself, although there are thousands of people, I will go. "Meng Bushi was fearless and inferior."