What is better to buy in Tianyi Luo store in warehouse paper era?
The activity shops in Tianyi Luo mainly include these kinds of goods, namely Tianyi Luo potato chips and kanbanniang, breakthrough materials, eggs, experience books, gold coins and egg openers. If you have friends who control the collection, it is recommended to take off the kanban mother and pets first. After that, it's out of print. If the fragment is unlocked, it is enough. There is no need to force them. Even if you really want to practice this hero in the future, there are general fragments. You can buy a few friends who have broken through the secret silver lake, the evil spirit bottle, the essence of blood and lost ancient books. Other breakthrough materials are troublesome to brush at most, and it is too expensive to buy them with thank-you vouchers.
Then experience books, gold coins and breakthrough materials are the same. There is no need to buy what you can get by hanging up. Besides these, the egg opener is the most cost-effective. Eggs entrusted to participate in food festivals or adventures can be opened with an egg opener, and each egg is bound to open a legendary equipment of level 60. Post-push drawing is very useful.
In the pale age, the food festival activity shop in Tianyi Luo suggested that you give priority to changing nannies and pets, and then change the egg opener ~