Uncle Wen Zi has been a magistrate of Chu for three years, and ordinary people are afraid to go to court. Uncle and son came in and said, "It's too strict!" Wen Zi said: "Is being strict with the court an obstacle to governing the country?" Uncle and son said, "If you are too strict, you dare not speak. If you dare not speak, the court will not listen to your opinion. If you dare not speak, you cannot communicate with each other. How can this country have political clarity?
I have heard that sewing along a needle and a thread can make tents, accumulating a liter and a bucket can enrich warehouses, and gathering tiny flowing water can become rivers and seas. A wise monarch only listens to opinions and does not implement them. There are no people who don't listen. "
Second, the original text
Uncle Wen Zi is Chu Lingyin. For three years, no one dared to enter North Korea. Uncle and son met and said, "Is it strict?" Confucius said, "The imperial court is strict, so it is better for clouds to hinder the rule of the country." Uncle said, "Strictness leads to deafness. If you are deaf, you can't communicate with each other. How can you rule the country? " Gai Wen also followed the needle to form a curtain, and those who ascended together consolidated their positions and flowed into rivers and seas. Those who know the Lord are ordered to do something, but they can't. "
Third, the source
From Liu Xiang's Shuo Yuan.
Extended data
First, the creative background
Shuoyuan, also known as Xinyuan, is a collection of ancient miscellaneous history novels. Liu xiangbian. Written in Hongjia four years (17). Original 20 volumes, 78 pages. According to various anecdotes from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty, each category is listed as follows: Comments are added later. Among them, it mainly describes the words and deeds of philosophers, and many chapters have philosophical aphorisms about governing the country and safeguarding the people and the rise and fall of the country. Mainly embodies the Confucian philosophy, political ideals and ethical concepts.
Due to the extensive materials in the book, a large number of historical materials have been collected, which provides a lot of convenience for people to explore history. Some historical events recorded in the book can be mutually confirmed with the existing classics;
Some annotations are different from those in Historical Records, Zuo Zhuan, Mandarin, Warring States Policy, Liezi, Xunzi, Han Feizi, Guanzi, Yanzi Chunqiu, Shilu Chunqiu and Huainanzi, which provide sufficient reference for people looking for history. Some ancient books have been lost, but one or two are preserved in Shuo Yuan, which is especially precious.
Second, the appreciation of works
Shuoyuan is an important literary work with rich literary connotations, including philosophical aphorisms, satirical narrative, strong storytelling and dialogue-oriented style. Except 16 volume Tan Cong, Shuo Yuan has the most titles of independent short stories, with concise and vivid words, fresh and meaningful words and high literary appreciation value.
Three. Brief introduction of the author
Liu Xiang (about 77-6 BC), also known as Liu Gengsheng, has a proper word. Confucian classics, bibliographers and writers in the Western Han Dynasty. Pei county (now Jiangsu) people. Grandson of King Jiao Liu IV of Chu Yuan.
When Xuan Di proclaimed himself emperor in the Han Dynasty, he advised doctors. Zong Zheng was appointed Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Against eunuch Gong Hong, Shi Xian went to prison, waiting to be released. Later, he was imprisoned for anti-Gong and anti-Xian. After Emperor Cheng of Han acceded to the throne, he was appointed as Dr. Guanglu and renamed "Xiang", and officials went to the school to comfort him. I was ordered to lead the school secretary and write the earliest open book catalogue "Bielu" in China.
Treating the biography of Liang in the Spring and Autumn Period. He wrote 33 poems, including Nine Sighs, most of which have been lost. Today, there are books such as New Preface, Shuoyuan and Biography of Lienv. And The Five Classics was compiled by Ma Guohan and A Qing Dynasty in Yi Tong. The original compilation was lost, and the Ming people compiled it as Liu Ji. For the life story, see Hanshu Volume 36.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Clever Advice from Uncle and Son