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ImageJ is an open source image processing tool that can help scientists and researchers analyze, process and quantify images. The following is the details of ImageJ: the history and development of 1 ImageJ was originally a Java program for biomedical image processing developed by Dr. Wayne Rasband of Yale University. In 2004, he transferred ImageJ to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since then, ImageJ has become a widely used image processing tool in scientific research. At present, ImageJ is still under development and improvement, and many individuals and groups have contributed codes and tools. 2. Functions and uses of ImageJ ImageJ can read and process various image formats, including JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG and so on. It can perform a series of operations such as image enhancement, filtering, transformation, segmentation, measurement and analysis. ImageJ can also be used to identify and count cells and quantify protein expression and function. 3. The interface between ImageJ and the plug-in ImageJ is very simple, mainly composed of several menus and toolbars. This simple interface does not mean that it is not powerful. In fact, under the "plug-in" menu of ImageJ, there are many extension tools made by developers and users, which can be used in different application scenarios, such as 3D image processing, computer vision, fluorescence image processing and so on. 4. Advantages and limitations of ImageJ The advantage of ImageJ is that it is an open source and cross-platform image processing tool, and its simplicity and scalability are also very conducive to scientific research. However, ImageJ also has some limitations, such as not supporting real multithreading, and it is difficult to process large image data. Generally speaking, ImageJ is a very valuable image processing tool, which provides convenience and support for scientific research.