Publisher 2007 files were published in 2003, 2002, 2000 or 98.

Save or open the file as a Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002 file.

Microsoft office Publisher 2007 uses the same file format as Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 and Microsoft Publisher 2002, so there are no separate options for these versions in the Save As Type list.

Important: Some features are not supported when saving Office Publisher 2007 files in Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002.

Save the Office Publisher 2007 file as a Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002 file.

On the File menu, click Save As.

If necessary, switch to the drive and folder where you want to save the publication.

In the Save as type list, select Publisher File.

Click "Save".

Open the Office Publisher 2007 file in Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002.

You can open Office Publisher 2007 files in Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002, but some features are not supported. If you reopen the same file in Office Publisher 2007, features that were not supported by earlier versions of Publisher will be available again.

Office Publisher 2007 features that are not supported by Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2002.

Format, layout and graphics functions

Baseline reference lines are partially supported. Publisher 2003 supports baseline guides. When you open a publication in Publisher 2002, you can't see the baseline guide.

Baseline alignment is partially supported. Publisher 2003 supports baseline alignment. In Publisher 2002, the text is not aligned with the baseline.

Some support margin guides and column guides. Publisher 2003 supports margin guides and columns.

Some support wizards and designs. If you want to revise your publication in an earlier version of Publisher, you can't use any wizards, designs, or design elements in a newer version of Publisher.

Some support multiple master pages. Publisher 2003 supports multiple master pages. In Publisher 2002, other master pages will be converted into foreground pages.

Mail and Directory Merge Function

Some support directory merging. In Publisher 2002, the catalog merge area of the catalog merge template (catalog merge area: the area in the catalog merge template where merge fields are inserted. After merging, the data in the data source will be written into each field, and the catalog merge area will appear repeatedly on each page, and multiple records will be displayed. ) will be converted into grouped objects. Any text merge field in the combined object (merge field: a placeholder for text or pictures inserted into a publication. Information from the data source (for example, name, address, or image) is inserted into each merge field. You can format merge fields, or copy, move or delete them. ) will remain in the publication as a merged field. Publisher 2003 supports catalog merging.

Not supported by multiple data sources. Publisher 2003 and Publisher 2002 only support one data source.

Both Publisher 2003 and Publisher 2002 support data filtering and data sorting. You can sort the data sources, which will create a list of mail merge recipients, and you can add or remove individual recipients from the list.

Personalized hyperlinks are not supported. When you close the publication, personalized hyperlinks to any records in use become static hyperlinks.

Some support combined pictures. Publisher 2003 supports merging pictures. In Publisher 2002, any merged field inserted as a picture field will be invalid.

Network function

Some support network publishing. Publisher 2003 supports Web publications. In Publisher 2002, Web publications will be converted into printed publications.

Navigation bar wizard does not support. Any navigation bar created in the latest version of Publisher will be converted into a composite object, and the navigation bar cannot be edited with the wizard. Hyperlinks in the navigation bar will remain valid.