(Xi Gong) In the spring of the 21st year, people from the Song Dynasty made an alliance with Lu Shang to seek help from the princes of Chu. Chu people promised it. Young Master Mu Yi said: "It is a disaster for small countries to fight for alliances. The Song Dynasty will perish! Fortunately, it will be defeated later."·······
In autumn, the princes met with the Duke of Song in Yu. Ziyu said: "This is the trouble! Your desire is so great, how can you bear it?" So Chu took the Duke of Song to attack Song. In winter, it will be thinner to release it. Ziyu said: "The disaster has not yet happened, it is enough to punish the king."·······
In the twenty-second year,·······in March, Zheng Bo was like Chu. In the summer, the Duke of Song attacked Zheng, and Ziyu said: "This is the so-called disaster!"······
The Chu people attacked Song to capture Zheng. When Song Gong was about to fight, Grand Sima Gu admonished him: "Heaven has abandoned Shang for a long time, and you are going to do it, so I can't forgive him." He didn't listen.
"In winter, in the eleventh month of Jisi, in the first lunar month of the lunar month, the Duke of Song and the Chu people fought in Hong (today's west of Zhecheng County, Henan Province). The Song people had formed a line, but the Chu people had not yet joined forces. Sima said: "There are few of them, please attack them if they are not ready." The Duke said, "No." As a result, the Song army was defeated. The general was injured and all the people in the country blamed him. It's a barrier. Even though the country is in ruins, I can't stand in line.
"Ziyu said: 'You don't know how to fight. If I don't line up against the enemy's enemies, God will praise me. Isn't it okay to block it and encourage it? There is still fear. And today's Qing people are all our enemies. Although it is Hu Qi, if you get it, take it, what is the use of Ermao? It is shameful to teach war and seek to kill the enemy. If the injury is not serious enough to cause death, how can we not take it seriously? If you love someone who is seriously injured, then it is as if you do not want to hurt him; if you love someone who is seriously injured, then it is as if you are willing to accept it. The three armies are used to make use of it, and the military drums are used to sound energy. If you use it to your advantage, you can block narrow passes; if your voice is strong and your ambition is strong, you can use drums to make noise. "·······
In the spring of the twenty-third year, the Marquis of Qi attacked the Song Dynasty and encircled it, in order to persuade them not to ally with Qi.
In the fifth month of summer, Duke Xiang of the Song Dynasty died, and he was injured by Hong Guye