17.9 Confucius said, "Boy, why did Mo Xuefu write poetry?" Poetry can be appreciated, watched, grouped and resented. Your father is a thing, and your father is a distant thing; Learn more about the names of birds, animals and plants "
17. 10 Confucius said, "Can women be Nan Zhou and Zhao Nan?" People disapprove of "Nan Zhou" and "South Call", but they still stand on the wall? "
Original sentence translation
17.9 Confucius said, "Why don't students learn poetry?" Poetry can stimulate the mind, improve observation, cultivate group concept and learn irony methods. Recently, you can use reason to serve your parents; It can be used to serve the monarch and learn more about the names of birds, animals and plants. "
Confucius said to Bo, "Have you studied Nan Zhou and Zhao Nan? If a person doesn't study Nan Zhou and Zhao Nan, he can't walk like standing against the wall. "
Learning The Book of Songs can help you get excited, get to know the local customs, be cohesive, and express your feelings ... Hehe, you can also know a lot of animals and plants.
Learning can have different levels. Because a person's acceptance, experience and intention are different, it is different.
Confucius said that you can learn a lot about knowledge of nature by studying The Book of Songs.
After some efforts, no matter how big or small, you will have your own gains, improve yourself and enrich your knowledge base.
Some people become famous as teenagers, some people have successful careers, and some people develop normally and succeed in their prime. Everything is fine.
As long as you keep a good attitude, you will move forward with joy, retreat with joy and stop with joy. Keep learning, lifelong learning and lifelong growth, and you will be happy all your life.
? If you don't learn the basic manners and manners, then this person is like standing facing the wall.
Facing a wall, there is no road, no road and no hope ahead. What should I do if I'm fidgety and full of unknowns about the future? What should we do?
Some people use learning to make peace with their surroundings. Someone cut off a thorn in the side with violence, scarred and surrounded by chaos. He won the world but lost everything. Someone broke his axe and was buried in the ruins. There was no light day.
Confucius said that if you don't learn poetry, you have nothing to say; Don't learn manners. There is nothing to support.