2. Find the church brothers you know, ask who has senior officials at home, and ask them to mediate. They spoke forcefully, telling them that building temples, Taoist temples and churches belongs to merits and virtues, and it is good for themselves and children. If you ask them to contribute, it will be smoother.
3. Go to the United Front Work Department and inquire about the information. Your municipal archives should be called the Municipal History Office, which records the cultural ancient books of various towns and villages in the city. If you find the temples, Taoist temples and churches that you want to restore, they belong to historical sites. You can go through the formalities to restore them. The government will allocate a certain amount of land, and this land will be used free of charge, without spending money to buy it.
4. Find the boss's heart and expropriate the land. If it is Baoshan, it seems to be tens of thousands of yuan for decades, which is not expensive. Generally, it doesn't occupy cultivated land, so it will be easy to cover. If it matters, I heard that it will be used free of charge, or at a nominal fee, one acre of land in 6 yuan and 12 yuan.
5. It's very easy to unite with reputable believers, and let everyone trust each other and find leaders to clear things up. If you don't know anyone, run into a wall everywhere and prepare more gifts.