Word Order Version of the Ancient Book The Doctrine of the Mean
There is a saying that Mencius was a disciple of Zisi (Kong Ji, the grandson of Confucius). Zhu said in the preface to The Doctrine of the Mean that Mencius was educated by Zi Si and Zi Si was educated. Ceng Zi is an important successor to the study of Confucius, so he can also be said to be a disciple of Confucius. Although in the Confucian tradition, they are always neck and neck, from great achievements to great saints, they also have many differences. Confucius described in The Analects of Confucius has a relaxed and happy feeling, not as nervous as Mencius. Confucius can use the style of "an upright man is open and poised" to avoid the attitude of "the little people worry when they are in a hurry". Keep leisure, and he will say that the food is not ready, and if you don't eat it, you won't eat it. The clothes should be cut out in various colors. However, Mencius is not afraid to put forward that "there are fat blisters, fat horses in the stables, and hungry people are hungry." Confucius believed that evil originated from sex, while Mencius advocated that "human nature is good, even if it is still water, it must go on;" There is nothing wrong with people, and there is nothing wrong with water. "Confucius attaches great importance to' ceremony' and advocates self-denial and returning to the ancients; Mencius, on the other hand, did not stick to the "ceremony" and advocated changing tack and breaking through the bondage of "ceremony". Confucius was born in 55 1 year BC and died in 479 BC, that is, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Although the year of Mencius' birth and death is uncertain, his most active time is also in the middle of the Warring States Period. The war in the Spring and Autumn Period was a kind of aristocratic war, and the etiquette was still binding to some extent, while the seven countries were prepared to fight for a long time in the Warring States Period. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the war did not affect the whole people, and the way was just like competition, which did not cause all-round social unrest. During the Warring States period, the scale of the war was quite large and cruel, and the society was in full swing. Their different situations are also the reasons why they hold different views.