There are garment factories in all provinces, especially Ningbo. Today, all the people in and out of Beijing are from Ningbo. Once upon a time, someone took a piece of silk and ordered the clothes maker to cut it. Then ask the host's temperament, age, appearance and when he got the title, but don't ask the size. This man is very strange. The ready-to-wear man said: "Young people are proud by nature, and their chests should be straight, and they need to be long before and short after;" The first person in geriatrics is absent-minded, with cramps in his back, and needs to be short before and long after. Fat people have wide waists, while thin people have thin bodies. People in a hurry should wear short clothes; People with frigidity should wear long clothes. As for the size, that's the law, why ask more! "
I said that craftsmen can make clothes with words. Today's ready-to-wear clothes need to size old clothes, take new samples as fashion, don't know the length, and covet the first. No matter men's or women's clothes, it is difficult to become "stable figures" in Du Shaoling's poems. Tailors can be found everywhere, especially in Ningbo. Nowadays, most people who make clothes inside and outside Beijing are from Ningbo. Once upon a time, a servant took a piece of silk and asked the tailor to cut it into clothes. Then (the tailor) asked the master's temperament, age and appearance, asked which year he won the imperial examination, and only asked the size of his clothes. The servant felt very strange about it. The tailor said, "Those who pass the primary scientific examination are arrogant. He should have breasts and his clothes should be long at the front and short at the back. " A person who is promoted in advanced scientific research must be depressed, his back must be bent, and his clothes should be short before and long after; Fat people have a wide waist and thin people have a narrow body; Short clothes are suitable for people with quick temper, while long clothes are suitable for people with slow temper. As for the size, there is a plan, so why ask! "
In my opinion, it's time to talk to this tailor about making clothes. Nowadays, the average tailor always measures the size of clothes as before, taking the new style as the fashion. Without knowing the length of clothes, he first has the wild idea of stealing cloth. Nowadays, it is too difficult for tailors to make clothes that fit both men and women like Du Fu's poem "Steady Fit". Garment maker: tailor.
All: all, all.
Pi (pǐ) Silk (bó): a kind of silk.
Absent-minded: depressed
Carelessness: laziness
Hey: Bend your back, hunchback.
Zè: Narrow, narrow.
Impatience: impatience.
Slow sex: slow temper.
Storage: hidden in the heart; Keep it.
(j) in the north (y): I hope to get something I don't deserve; This refers to the idea of reducing the size and stealing cloth.
Steady: refers to clothes that cling to the body and will not be lifted by the wind.
Zhé: All the time.
Strange: I feel strange about ... ....
Chronic person: gentle person, chronic person. Clever garment makers first worked hard on "quantity", not only mastered the characteristics of the wearer's age, appearance and body shape, but also thoroughly understood the temperament and psychological characteristics of the wearer, and even figured out the official habits and literati atmosphere at that time. It was a home of investigation and research. Unlike "today's ready-to-wear people" who only know that people are still fashionable and innovative, "I don't know the length", it is difficult to cut out beautiful clothes that fit.
From the materialist point of view, everything should proceed from reality, and we must adhere to the concrete analysis of specific situations, analyze the particularity of contradictions, and act according to the characteristics of things. On the other hand, only by exploring the inherent regularity of everything that exists objectively and mastering all the characteristics of the object can we not be divorced from the objective reality.