Not far from Luoyi in Zhou Dynasty, but the fields are desolate. In broken walls, the mine fields are destroyed, the buildings are staggered, the countryside is deserted, and the hay rustles. There are no cultivated horses in the field, but the horses are running endlessly on the avenue, and some horses are dragging their stomachs and struggling to follow. Seeing this, Lao Dan's heart ached, and he thought, "A soldier's ominous weapon is not a gentleman's weapon. Use it as a last resort, enough is enough, and calm is the best. You don't have to be beautiful to win. People who are beautiful are happy to kill. If you are willing to kill, you cannot succeed in the world! Those who help others with Tao will not strengthen the world with soldiers. Where there are soldiers, there are thorns; After being a soldier, there must be a bad year. There is a road in the world, but it is a waste; There is no way in the world, and the suburbs have horses. If there are military horses in the suburbs, the country will be chaotic and the family will be broken. "
According to legend, Yin, the satrap of Hanguguan, was fond of astronomical observation and reading ancient books when he was young, and he had a deep cultivation. One night, staring at the starry sky from the tower, I suddenly saw the giant base of Oriental Ziyun, which is three Wan Li long and shaped like a dragon, rolling in from east to west, and said to myself, "Purple gas is from east to three Wan Li, and the sage is here by the west longitude. Qingniu slowly carries the old man and hides. " Yin has long heard of the name, wondering if this is the future of an old son. So he sent someone to clean the road for forty miles and burn incense to welcome the saints.
On the afternoon of July 12, the sun sets in the west and the light shines from the east. Yin was about to go to Shimonoseki when he saw an old man riding a green cow among the sparse pedestrians. The old man's head is as white as snow, his eyebrows hang down, his ears hang down, his shoulders hang down, his knees hang down, and his face is plain and clean. Yin looked up at the sky and sighed, "I'm so lucky. See a saint. People! " Three steps at a time, two steps at a time, running forward, kneeling in front of the green cow and saying, "Guanyin, come and meet the holy monk."
I saw that the worshipper had a square face, thick lips, thick eyebrows and high nose, dignified but not cold, gentle but not flattering. Knowing that he was not an ordinary person, he deliberately tried: "Worship that poor old man as a gift for your adult! I dare not accept it. I don't know what suggestions? " Guanyin said, "Lao Zhang, you are a saint! I hope to stay in the house and point out the way to practice. " Lao Tzu said, "What is sacred about me that makes you love me so much? Ashamed, ashamed to kill the old lady? " Guanyin said: "Guanyin is incompetent; Have a good observation of astronomy and a little understanding of changes. When you see purple gas from the east, you know there is a saint. To the west, people see purple gas rolling like a dragon, growing three Wan Li. Knowing who will be supreme is not the usual saint; See the white clouds around the purple gas head, and you will know the saint. People have white hair, which is the shape of an old man; Before seeing the purple gas, there is a green cow leading the star, and people come from the green cow. "
Lao Tzu laughed after listening: "I'm flattered, I'm flattered!" I've heard a lot about you for a long time, and I'm here to meet you. " Guan was overjoyed and kowtowed again and again. After that, Guanyin took the old man and his son to the official residence, asked him to sit down, burned incense, performed the ceremony for his brother and son, and pleaded, "Sir, you are a great saint today. You are human, too! A saint, who does not steal his own wisdom, must take the wisdom of the world as his duty. Now you will live in seclusion, heartless, and it is difficult to find someone to ask for advice! Why not turn your divine wisdom into a book? Although Guanyin is shallow, I hope that Mr. Dai will be passed down to future generations and will last forever. "
Lao Dan promised to learn from the rise and fall of the dynasty and the safety and happiness of the people's homes, trace back to the source, and write two articles with 5000 words. The first article is based on "Tao can be Tao, but extraordinary; This name can be named, but it is very famous, so it is called Tao Jing. The next chapter takes "virtue is not virtue, but virtue;" Being virtuous without losing virtue is not a virtue. Therefore, it is called "classic of virtue" and "Tao". Tao Jing, a classic of virtue, said that the root of the universe contains the opportunity of the change of heaven and earth and the beauty of the change of yin and yang; The second volume, The Classic of Virtue, talks about the way of the world, including the art of advancing and retreating, and the way of staying and seeing for a long time. Guanyin gets it, and if it is precious, she meditates all day long and is hungry.