What does the ancient book ABC on the Korean website mean?

American-born China.

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)


Noun (short for noun)

Basic knowledge of alphabet


American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)


Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

AHD:[? "b? -s?” ]

D.J.[7e! bi86si8]



Complex ABC

Usually ABC is the alphabet.

Usually the alphabet of ABC

Basic knowledge of reading and writing.

Basic knowledge of ABC reading and writing

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)


= Architects abbreviate architectural classification, and architects, builders and civil engineers abbreviate architectural classification [English];

Advanced bonus core advanced boiling superheated nuclear reactor core;

Advance charter party;

Forward blade concept:

African documentation center; African documentation center;

Air control:

Carrier alarm;

Ready beenconverted has been converted;

Amateur bibliophiles (periodicals);

ABC; American Broadcasting Corporation;

Analyze the bar chart;

Asian Badminton Federation;

Association of builders and contractors;

Australian Broadcasting Corporation;

automatic binary computer

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

AHD:[? "b? -s?” ]

D.J.[7e! bi86si8]


Noun (short for noun)

Local ABC

Usually ABC is the alphabet.

Basic knowledge of reading and writing.


Automatic boiler control


Noun (short for noun)

Letters; alphabet

Preliminary; Introduction; basis

Basic knowledge of finance

Introduction to finance

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

= ABC automatic coding system, alphabet automatic coding system; = Adaptable Board Computer, the computer where the plug-in board can be deployed; = advanced ballistic computer, advanced ballistic computer; = Agricultural Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China; American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)


Automatic bandwidth control


Automatic brightness control


Automatic bandwidth control

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Advance charter party

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Automatic brake control brake pressure automatic adjusting device and tire anti-drag device

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Automatic brightness control automatic brightness level

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Abbreviations and codes Abbreviations and codes

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Advanced commercial communication advanced commercial communication company (USA)

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Propulsion blade concept Propulsion blade concept

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Automatic bandwidth control

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

Automatic brightness control automatic brightness control

American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)


American Broadcasting Company Inc (ABC)

World route guide