Brief introduction of Gange

Table of Contents 1 Pinyin 2 English Reference 3 Overview 4 Alias of Pueraria lobata 5 Source and place of origin 6 Sexual taste and meridian tropism 7 Functions Indications 8 Usage and dosage of Pueraria lobata 9 Instructions for use 1 Use 11 Chemical components 12 Pharmacological effects of Pueraria lobata 13 Reference Attachment of data: 1. Prescription using traditional Chinese medicine Gange 2. Chinese patent medicine using Gange 3. Pinyin of Gange 1 in ancient books

gān gě 2. English reference

RADIX PUERARIAE [Xiangya Medical Dictionary] 3. Overview

Gange is the name of traditional Chinese medicine, which comes from Southern Yunnan Materia Medica and is the alias of Pueraria recorded in Shennong Materia Medica Classic [1]. 4 aliases of pueraria lobata

pueraria lobata and pueraria lobata [2].

5 sources and places of origin

roots of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi or pueraria lobata P. thomsonii Benth. of Leguminosae [2]. Location: Henan, Hunan, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places [2]. 6. the taste of nature and taste is channel-bound

sweet, pungent and flat [2]. Into the spleen and stomach meridians [2]. Function indications

relieving muscle fever, penetrating rash, promoting fluid production and stopping diarrhea [2].

1. Treat common cold and fever, strong headache, poor measles transmission, fever and polydipsia, diarrhea and dysentery [2].

2. Treat neck pain, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis and early sudden deafness caused by hypertension [2]. 8 usage and dosage of pueraria lobata

decoction: 6 ~ 15g [2]. 9 use attention

diarrhea due to spleen deficiency should be simmered [2]. 1 use

Ge Fen, a starch obtained by grinding Radix Puerariae, to treat vexation and thirst by oral administration [2]. 11 chemical constituents

The roots contain Pueroside)A and B, Puerarin, puerarin xyloside, daidzein, daidzein and other flavonoids, β sitosterol, arachidic acid and so on [2]. 12 pharmacological action