Take turns to discuss current affairs with the emperor and discuss three things: first, we should not neglect to talk about reading officials and take Renzong as the law; Second, instruct the officials in charge of supervision to correct the official style and instruct the prime minister to curb the officials' pursuit of fame and fortune; Third, solicit opinions extensively and master the following information to eliminate possible hidden dangers. The relationship between officials and the emperor was also discussed in depth. The emperor was very excited to read these excellent papers. Jin Chen's dictation is more detailed. Speaking of the "two tax discounts", the emperor looked calm and nodded for a long time.
At that time, Prime Minister Zhao Xiong was in office, and the emperor personally sent a letter to Zhongshu Province, making a list of ministers. The next day, Jin Chen came to Zhongshu Province, and Zhao Xiong asked him what he was doing here. Jin Chen said: "The emperor is opposed to playing politics. Doesn't the Prime Minister know?" Then list the important contents for him. The emperor has a deep understanding of this matter, and he has been stricter with officials around him since then. On the grounds that his parents were old, Jin Chen requested to be transferred to a local post, and served as the magistrate of Guanghan, and later served as Tongchuan Road Prison. He resigned because the old man died and needed to be filial. After the funeral, he was summoned by the emperor to discuss five things, namely, "selecting generals, increasing national financial resources, repairing water conservancy, revising the regulations on selecting and appointing officials, and promoting paper money." The emperor said to the officials around him, "Hu's remarks are feasible."
Later, he served as Du Zhilang, and later he was promoted to an imperial minister. At that time, Zhu was appointed as the Langguan of the Ministry of War, but he didn't arrive because of leg disease. The assistant minister said that Zhu failed to take office because he disagreed with Zhu's views on Yi, which was an arrogant anti-imperialist act. The minister asked Zhu to stay in office instead, which was generally affirmed by public opinion.
After Guangzong succeeded to the throne, Hu was transferred to the Ministry of Industry as an assistant minister, adding "giving things", often focusing on "reducing unnecessary favors and cherishing honor". Any imperial edict issued directly by the court without the agreement of the Chinese book and other provinces can not be detained. The emperor rewarded him for his principle, worshipped him as a Ming bachelor and signed the appointment of the Privy Council. On the day when he officially went to court to give thanks, the emperor ordered him to write an article on Chen's advantages and disadvantages. Then he went to the Chinese Palace to meet the former emperor Xiaozong, who said to him, "The second and third ministers promoted by the current emperor are all to my liking, and there is no disagreement between the ruling and opposition parties." Jin Chen thank humbly.
Then he will take part in political affairs and get to know the Privy Council. Since the southern suburbs, the emperor has never visited the imperial court in person, and the ministers and prime ministers of the Jin Dynasty have United to assist the imperial court, and their internal affairs and diplomacy are very stable. Among all the memorials, it is warm in winter and warm in summer, and it is faint in the morning, followed by loving gentlemen, staying away from villains, restraining luck and destroying cronies. It sincerely assisted the emperor and did things in an orderly way. No one knows that the emperor is not here. Soon, he died on the throne, and the court named him "Senior Minister's Bachelor" and posthumous title "Wenjing".
2. Sorry to read Dou Wei in classical Chinese, there are no reading questions online. I found the Biography of Dou Wei from the old Tang books and translated it by hand, hoping for some reference.
Dou Wei, whose name is Wen Wei, was born in Pinglu, Fufeng, and was also a father and brother with Empress Dowager Tai. Late father, Sui Taifu. Wei's family is noble, Zhu Kundi is martial and plays literature and history, but he insists that all my brothers are called "bookworms". The history of the Sui Dynasty made Li show off his uniqueness, shooting Jiake and worshiping the minister of card shark. When the rank is full, you should move, and there is no adjustment. When the secretary is in his teens, his knowledge will be broadened. At that time, the brothers took military service as their official career, making friends with friends and guests, while their prestige was idle. The brothers even said, "In the past, Confucius accumulated knowledge and became a saint, but it was still a mess. What do you want from this if you live late? " "If you don't reach fame and status, you must stick to it." Wei just laughed. For a long time, Shu Wangxiu became a recording room, showing how illegal it was, saying that the disease was returned to other places. Xiu Xiu was deposed, Liao was convicted, and Wei Yan was saved by foresight. Great cause for four years, tired of moving literature and history, in order to calculate the gains and losses of Chen, transferred to the senior high school entrance examination card shark, sitting on the ground without examination, returned to the capital. Gaozu entered the customs, and he was drafted into the army. At that time, the army was in the grass, and the five ceremonies fell. Wei is not only knowledgeable, but also familiar with old instruments. He is determined by the national rules and regulations. Wen Han of Zen Buddhism participated in the previous discussion. Gaozu often said that Pei Ji said, "Uncle Sun Tong can't add anything." In the first year of Wude, Bai Neishi ordered. Wei's theory of playing is elegant and elegant, and it refers to the ancient times as an imperial edict. Gaozu attached great importance to it, or introduced it into the bedroom, often as a knee pad. He also said: "There was an eight-pillar country in the Zhou Dynasty, and my government and I were invited to this position." Since I am the son of heaven, I am the official of the civil history. This time is different from last time, but it is unfair. Xie Wei said, "My family used to be a consort of the Han Dynasty, but as for the three foreign clans of the later Wei Dynasty, your majesty Longxing returned to the later dynasty. "I'm in a good position and sitting in the Phoenix Pool. I'm too arrogant. I'm afraid at dawn." Gaozu smiled and said, "Look at the Kanto people marrying Cui and Lu. Are they expensive or not? They are hesitant and dare not criticize." And feel sick, high-impedance to ask. I found a pawn, and my family ran out of money, leaving a thin burial. Scene, with the same state secretariat, after sealing Yanan county. On the day of burial, the prince and officials were summoned and sent out. There are ten volumes in the anthology.
Dou Wei, also known as Fufeng Pinglu, is the younger brother of the stepfather of Empress Dowager Tai. Father Dou Chi used to be a teacher in Sui Dynasty. Dou Wei's family has made outstanding contributions all their lives. His brothers advocate martial arts, but Dou Wei likes literature and history. He is honest and frank, and abides by his true intentions. All his brothers laughed at him and called him a bookworm. The literature and history of the Sui Dynasty made Li a great success in the imperial examination. He was the first in archery and strategy and became a secretary. After the expiration of his term of office, he was ready to change jobs, but he stayed, worked as a secretary for more than ten years, and his studies improved. At that time, Dou Wei's brother became a great official through the meritorious military service and made friends with dignitaries. The guests were all from their family. However, officials in Dou Wei are very idle. The brothers even laughed at him and said, "Confucius was a saint when he was studying, but he was still embarrassed at that time." What do you want to do after learning from him? It is normal for the official position to be small. " Dou Wei smiled and made no answer. They all came to Shu's relegated archives. Because Xiu Xiu didn't obey the law, he resigned and returned to his hometown on the grounds of illness. After Xiu was demoted, most of the officials together were found guilty. Only Dou Wei had the foresight to save himself. Daye (year number) has been promoted to a folk historian for four years. Because remonstration offended the emperor, he moved the idea of taking the doctor's exam, and later returned to Beijing because some things were not done. Tang Gaozu entered Hulao Pass, called and completed the army in the Prime Minister's Office. At that time, there were many wars and rules were broken. Dou Wei is knowledgeable. Knowing the old rules and regulations, he redesignated these, and most Zen monks participated in them. Tang Gaozu said to Pei Ji many times: "Uncle Sun Tong is not much better than him." In the first year (year number) of Wude, a literature and history order was made. When Dou Wei plays, he is solemn and quotes classics. Tang Gaozu admired him very much. Sometimes take him to the bedroom and often sit and chat. The emperor once said, "In the previous Zhou Dynasty, there were eight pillars of the country, and I was just like your family. Now I am the son of heaven, and you are the governor of the civil history. It is basically the same, but the level is different. " Dou Wei thanked the emperor and said, "My family was the emperor's in-laws in the Han Dynasty, but in the later Wei Dynasty, I became the emperor's in-laws three times. Your majesty is respected and can be compared with the queen's family. We are going to be in-laws, and our status is so high that we will be scared sooner or later. " He said with a smile, "I want Kanto people to marry Cui and Lu Wei and ascend the throne of nobility. When they are developed, they will be proud. You have been the emperor's in-laws for generations, isn't it particularly prominent? " When Dou Wei was seriously ill, Tang Gaozu went to see him himself. Shortly after Dou Wei's death, there was not much money at home. His last words were simple: to hold a funeral. Posthumous title, the imperial court is Jing, posthumous title is the secretariat of the same state, and posthumous title is the Duke of Yan 'an. On the day of burial, the emperor ordered the prince to go out with the civil and military officials to see him off. He has ten volumes of anthology.
3. Wang Fuchuan answered the classical Chinese Wang Fu, whose real name is Chu Yang and Gu 'an. In the seventh year of orthodox school (1442), he was admitted to Jinshi. Give punishment to this matter. Loud voice, gorgeous appearance, good at stating your own ideas. Promoted to general political participation. One is to invade the capital and invite ministers to meet the emperor. Everyone was afraid to go, and Wang Fu asked to go. So he was promoted to Right Zheng Tong, acting as assistant minister of rites and traveling with Zhao Rong, a calligrapher in China. The enemy exposed the blade and threatened them, and Wang Fu and others were not afraid. After returning to China, he still served as the general political department and was promoted to the general political envoy.
In the first year of Chenghua (1465), General Yansui's government was able to catch up with and attack Hetao people, and the emperor issued a decree to reward them. Wang Fu thinks it is not appropriate to go to 700 miles, and he is worried that disputes will arise because he hopes to succeed unexpectedly. Please tell him by decree. The emperor thinks he is right. Be promoted to Shangshu.
Chen Jue was originally a painter. By the time of his death, nephew Chen asked to inherit 100 households. Wang Fu said: "It is the order of the first emperor to carry on the family line, but it is not a meritorious military service and should not be allowed." So stop it.
When children invaded the border, the emperor ordered Wang to return to Beijing to inspect Shaanxi border guards. From Yansui to Gansu, observing the terrain, he suggested: "Yansui starts from the bank of the Yellow River in the east and reaches Dingbianying in the west, lingering for more than 2,000 miles. All the risks are in the mainland, but there is no barrier outside, only relying on the dock to defend. But the army is stationed inside and the people live outside. Once the enemy entered the customs, the loyal subjects did not act, and the people were plundered. Coupled with the southwest to Qingyang, more than 500 miles apart, the bonfire can not be connected. The bandits came and people didn't know. Please move 19 fortresses such as Fugu and Xiangshui and put them in important places near the frontier. And from Anbianying to Qingyang, from Dingbianying to Zhou Huan, building a pier every twenty miles is 34 * *. Trenches and city walls are built with the terrain. In order to hear each other's voices quietly, it is easy to defend. " After the throne was presented, the emperor followed his advice.
Wang Fu was reassigned to the Ministry of Industry. Wang Fu strictly abides by laws and regulations, and his reputation exceeds that of the Ministry of War. At that time, China officials asked to build a cloister in the northwest of the imperial city, and Wang Fu proposed to postpone it. Gao Fei also said that disasters are frequent, so it is not appropriate for 10,000 people to do useless things. The emperor will not allow it. The officer in charge led Tengxiang Siwei and asked for a cotton coat and shoes and trousers. Wang Fujian refused, saying, "These things were originally made by the imperial court for the soldiers who went to war, so that they could leave today without bothering to sew them. The Beijing army supplies cloth and cotton for winter clothes every year. This is an established system. How can I change it? " In response to the death of French King Gershbar, China officially requested the construction of temples and towers. Wang Fu said: "All benevolent French kings only build towers, not temples. This system should not be created now. " So he just ordered the tower to be built, or sent 4 thousand soldiers to serve him.
Wang Fuxi likes to learn ancient books, abides by the rules of honesty and restraint, has no talent for dealing with people, is an official and knows everything, and has worked in the Ministry of Industry for 12 years. In the face of disaster, the admonition officer said that he was old and Wang Fu asked to retire. The emperor won't allow it. Two months later, the admonition officer impeached Wang Fu again. Then the emperor issued a decree ordering him to resign and go home. After his death, he was given Prince Taibao and Mi Hao Zhuang Jian.
4. Classical Chinese extended reading "trailing" answer original:
Zhuangzi was fishing in Pushui, and the king of Chu sent the doctor and the doctor to go first, saying, "I hope I am tired in China!" " Zhuangzi ignored the pole and said, "I heard that there was a turtle in Chu State, and it was 3,000 years old when it died. The king's towel is hidden in the temple. This turtle would rather die for a bone than drag its tail alive? "
The second doctor, Yu Yue, said, "I'd rather be born."
Zhuangzi said, "Yes! I will drag my tail in the painting. "
Zhuangzi is fishing in Puhe River. The king of Chu sent two doctors to invite him (as an official). (They say to Zhuangzi): "I want to burden your housework!" Zhuangzi didn't look back (at them) with the end of the fishing rod, saying, "I heard that there was a turtle in the State of Chu, which has been dead for 3,000 years. The king wrapped it in brocade, put it in a bamboo box and treasured it in the hall of the ancestral temple. This (god) turtle, (it is) would rather die than leave a bone for people to cherish, or would rather live and wag its tail in the mud? "
The two doctors said, "I'd rather wag my tail in the mud alive."
Zhuangzi said, "Please go back! I want to wag my tail in the mud. "
5. Reading classical Chinese, Chen Dengyun, word Conglong, Tangshan Chen Dengyun full-text translation:
Chen Dengyun is from Tangshan, and his name is Conglong. In the fifth year of Wanli (1577), he was a scholar and served as the order of Yanling County. Best political achievements, promoted to suggestion. Liaodong elaborated ten countermeasures to stabilize the border, and requested to speed up the system of rewarding the first meritorious service. Later, it was changed to the governor of Shanxi.
After returning to Beijing, it happened that courtiers were arguing over the establishment of the Chu army. Chen Dengyun thought that the discussion was delayed because the imperial concubine's family was playing tricks in the dark. In the 16th year of Wanli (1588), Zheng Chengxian, the father of the imperial concubine, was impeached for the disaster in June, saying, "Zheng Chengxian has ulterior motives and covets Chu Jun. He communicates with eunuchs every day, discusses countermeasures and makes friends with villagers, warlocks, Taoist priests and monks. At the beginning, your majesty severely punished the impostor in the imperial examination hall. Zheng Chengxian's wife often threatened to expose things herself to intimidate Xun Gui and confuse court officials with clever words. Not only Huian was calculated by them, but even Zhonggong and the Empress Dowager's family carefully avoided their sharp edges. Your majesty's long-term rule of the country is the result of Zheng Hui, and Zheng Chengxian always tells people that it is the result of not having a prince. Interference with the ceremony has been planned for a long time. What can he not do in the future? Do not inspire the platform, just make a decision. Otherwise, even if you don't play music in the court, put on white clothes and stop the punishment, I am afraid that God will not agree, and the sky will become irresistible. " The imperial concubine and Zheng Chengxian lost their temper when they went to Shanghai. Colleagues also thought that Chen Dengyun was dangerous, but the emperor left Shanghai.
After many years, he impeached Liu Guangzu, the official department minister, Feng, the Sichuan assistant minister, Li Lai, the governor of Yingtian, Wang Zhixiang, Han, the official department minister Luo, and Nanjing Taifu. All the officials in the imperial court were afraid of him. At that time, it was just the time for the exam, so Chen Dengyun said to me: "Recently, the suggestion was afraid of * * * before noon, and he became gentle; After noon, honest people become flattering. Is there no upright person in the meantime, but they are invincible and have no place to live? In the past twenty years, only one or two people have been promoted to upright Beijing officials. Behind the emperor's back, cultivating henchmen and begging for mercy, such as the so-called' seven jackals' and' eight dogs', accounted for half of the suggestions. Taiwan Province's remonstrance is to uphold justice for the world, and people have been trampled to this extent. How can we expect him to do things honestly and get rid of traitors and scum for the country? Instead of shrinking because of misuse, it is better to examine the candidates carefully. " Therefore, the Chen Shu incident is dedicated to the emperor.
Working as a patrolman in Henan. There was a great famine that year, and people ate each other. Cui Yinglin, an agreement, saw people eating wild goose excrement in the lake, so he presented it to Chen Dengyun, and Chen Dengyun sent it to the court. The emperor immediately sent Cheng Sizhong and Huamin to distribute treasury silver to help the people. Chen Dengyun visited three places and held power strictly. According to the regulations, he should be promoted to Beijing official, but he was repeatedly detained by the palace, so he claimed to be ill and went home. He died soon after.
6. Yin's classical Chinese reading comprehension answer translation.
During the reign of Emperor Wudong of the Ming Dynasty, Yin (Shouzhang, whose name is Jin Fu) was appointed as the magistrate of Qingjiang County. Zhu Kai, a county citizen, died in the West Gallery of the Confucian Temple. I don't know who the murderer is, but an anonymous letter said, "Someone killed Zhu Kai." Someone had a feud with Zhu Kai, and everyone thought it might be him. Yin said: "This is an investigation in which the real murderer framed others and misled us. Who is closely related to Zhu Kai's neighbors? " They all replied, "Yao is an official." Yin summoned all the subordinate officials of the imperial court and said, "I need someone who can write well and submit your own words." Among officials, Yao Ming's handwriting is the most like that of an anonymous letter. Yin asked him, "Why did you kill Zhu Kai?" Yao Ming was startled and had to confess, "Zhu Kai is going to Suzhou for business. I killed him because I was greedy for his property. "
To annotate ...
(1) Slow processing: delay in solving the case.
2: close.
7. Reading classical Chinese, Fan Zhengci ruled Raozhou Fan Zhengci, who was in the middle of Taiping and Xingguo (it seems to be a title of the Song Dynasty, such as Taiping and Xingguo for two years). Because there are many lawsuits in Raozhou that have not been handled, he was sent there as a magistrate (official position).
After he took office, all cases were decided and resolved overnight, and 63 local officials were suspended for flooding prisons (cases that have been shelved for a long time and prisoners have been trapped in prisons for a long time). Fan Zhengci ordered Yizhou officers and men to send these people to Beijing. There was a man named Wang Xing who was afraid to go to Beijing because he missed his hometown. Fan Zhengci intentionally hurt his foot and killed him with solemn orders.
Wang Xing's wife appealed, and Song Taizong summoned Fan Zhengci to the lobby to explain the matter. Fan Zhengci said solemnly: "Southeast counties are rich and people's hearts are easy to float. Wang Xing dares to make trouble and incite people. If this situation is out of control, then I will have no room to deal with crimes. "
The emperor appreciated his bold decision and specially transferred him to Jiangnan as a transshipment ambassador (transshipment ambassador: official position). A citizen of Raozhou named Ganshao was arrested by thieves, and the state tortured 14 of them and sentenced them to death.
Fan Zhengci asked them step by step, 14 people cried. Fan Zhengci found out that the case was untrue and ordered them to be moved to other places for interrogation.
Later, someone reported the location of the thieves, and Fan Zhengci quietly called the army and arrested them by surprise. The thieves found out about his actions and ran away. Fan Zhengci immediately chased twenty miles out of the suburbs alone.
The thief manipulated the bow and sword and forced Fan Zhengci with the name of weapon. Fan Zhengci let out a cry and beat him with a whip, hitting the thief in both eyes. He fell to the ground and the rest of the thieves escaped the river. The man who was wounded by the whip is still breathing. The stolen goods abandoned by him were found beside him and brought to justice according to their crimes. All the wronged 14 people were released.
This is a matter in my village, and most people in the county don't know it.
8. Classical Chinese reading training answer "Cai Yong, word first, Liu Chen first" and "Zhou Shujuan 27 Biography 19" excerpt.
Cai You accepts the word first, and he keeps the person first. Great-grandfather Shao is a general in the town. He was promoted because of his family background. Zuhu, Wei Jingming, the leader of Liu Chen in the early Ming Dynasty. Father attack, representative of Xizhou. In the light, when the ugly slave was in chaos in Guanzhong, he attacked the thief and abandoned his wife and returned to Luoyang. Chief bazian. Wei Xiaowu moved westward, still in Kanto. It's hard to get back to the west after that. He wrote a letter to Jue Ping, except for Qi and Xia Erzhou, and died. Give the original state a history.
You are smart and have a good eye. The thief who attacked the back returned to the east, fourteen years old, and his mother heard of filial piety. Long and brawny, and then shoot on horseback. Mao is in Yuanzhou, and his account is called confidant. Mao went, and you became the governor.
And the generals sent envoys to meet Mao. Will go, first of all, I hope that "Big Sister Yuan Chengyin has different plans. Mao Xiao knows something. I'll discuss with you about holding Yuan first. You said, "The wolf's ambition will be seen as self-defeating. If he is tied now, it is better to kill him. " Mao said, "You are determined." So he called Jin Yuan and others into the plan. Mao said, "The thieves in Gansu started a rebellion and tried their best to get rid of them. It seems that there are different generations. " Mao Wei was moved by this statement because of his eyes. You went out, and Jia went straight in with a knife. He glared at everyone and said, "If you are different from others, you are not human! Cai You will behead the traitor today. "Because press the sword. Everyone kowtowed and said, "I wish I had a simple choice." "You are angry with Yuan, so you beheaded him, and his henchmen overthrew him. As soon as I sat down, I trembled and dared not look up. So he made an alliance with the generals, and Qi Xin cooperated to punish them. Mao used this to know it. But you said, "I regard you as my son now, and your father serves me. "Please, break it.
From welcoming Wei Xiaowu to Tongguan. In the past and in the future, we have closed 500 households in towns, counties and cities. At the beginning of reunification, General Ning Shuo and Yu Lin were added. They sought to hold festivals, rode away from home and became princes, adding 1 100 cities. Taking Taizu Doutai, restoring Hongnong and fighting Shayuan were all meritorious deeds, which were awarded to General Pingtung and Doctor Taizhong.
From Taizu, he fought on the river bridge, especially when he dismounted and fought, killing several people himself. Advise the left and right to ride horses in case of emergency. You said angrily, "The Prime Minister has treated me like a son. Do you care about your life today? " Then he led a dozen people, shouted in unison and killed many. Because the enemy had no successor, he surrounded him for more than ten times and said, "Guan Jun looks like a warrior, but if you come down to battle in disguise, don't worry about getting rich." You scold him and say, "Dead soldier! I'm the leader now. I'm a public official. Why don't I pretend to be a thief? " But the bow was full and refused on all sides. People in the Eastern Wei Dynasty dare to push, but they are those who carry thick armor and long knives and go straight ahead to help. You can take 30 steps to protect him and persuade him to shoot him from left to right. You said, "My Cao's life is in one ear, so it's ruined." The enemy can step by step, but he can take ten steps. If you shoot him, he will hit him in the face. If he backs off, stab him with a spear. So after several battles, only one person was lost. The enemy is a little. Xu You retired. It is a war now, and our army is not good. Mao has been returned. Thanks to Hongnong, I saw Mao at night. Seeing the blessing, Taizu said, "You come first, I have no worries." Mao was too scared to sleep. It is safe to rest on his head. In order to be a public official, three hundred cities were added, and Jingzhao County Chief was granted.
In nine years, Gaozhongmi, the secretariat of Yuzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty (North), was attached to Yuzhou. Mao led the army to help him and met Qi and Mangshan. You are indomitable when you wear shining armor. The enemy said, "This is an iron beast." They all dodged. Russia granted Qingzhou the secretariat, transferred Yuanzhou the secretariat, added the commander-in-chief and sought the commander-in-chief. For thirteen years, I was worried by my father, so please go to hell. Walsh. General Qian Cheqi was appointed as the third division of Yitong, and General Qian Qi and the third division of Kaifu Yitong were appointed as assistants, and he was given the title of Ji of Dali State and became the Duke of Huaining County.
In the second year, Gong Wei was the leader of China. Six officials established and awarded doctors in the Ministry of War. At the beginning of Jiangling, the barbarian rebellion, please make peace with General Dou Luning. Three years, worship the general and pass it to the rear. In the past and in the future, increase the number of cities and merge the first 4 thousand households, and do not seal a county. MAO unprepared, Fujin and Helan incense and other diseases. And the collapse of Mao, I was so sad and eager that I was angry.
Filial piety, filial piety, filial piety, filial piety You and Wei Chigang both forbidden, straight to the temple province. At that time, the emperor trusted Li Zhi, the minister, to murder Duke Xiang of Jin. He cried and remonstrated every time, but the emperor wouldn't listen. Seek to abolish the emperor. Sejong acceded to the throne, thanks to Sima, remain the same. The emperor is also a son, and it is a gift to be friendly with Ute. Every time the imperial meal smells, it should be blessed; At the banquet, every time the ministers were left behind, or until the night was dim, they lit torches and sent them home. It's very kind of you to avoid it often. As for marriage, I am particularly reluctant to leave it to the situation. Find the original appearance of this official town. In a blink of an eye, I was given the secretariat of the state, and the unfinished department died in the original state because of initial anger. At the age of 54.
You have little ambition. He is as famous as his fellow villagers Li Mu and Buyi. Taste the phase and say, "A gentleman should make a name and gain money, and be poor and evil for a long time!" "After the speech, everyone laughed. Mu is human, too. After all, it is as it says. And from the conquest, often fall into the trap, for the foot soldiers first. On the day of returning to the army, the generals will strive for merit, and there will be no competition in the end. Taizu (Nai) sighed every time and said to the general, "I don't say anything about honor, just about the present." "It is so. Thrift, the income is scattered with the clan, and there is no money left at home on the day of death. Presented to the toast, the general of Zhuguo, the viceroy, the military department of Wuzhou and the secretariat of Yuanzhou. Qiaoyue village Zi Zhenghong is the official to the envoy, and the general is riding a bicycle, which is the same as the instrument.
Youdize is very studious and capable. Began his career, joined the army, served as the prime minister's office and record, and promoted the position of general Wei. From uncle Wei Chi Jiong Ping, he was awarded the viceroy and the title of Anmi County Duke. Slightly moved to the next doctor, cycling general, Yitong III, Lizhou Secretariat. In the state of accepting bribes, the general manager gave Wang Jin a secret performance on behalf of his heroic children. Later, he was the secretariat of the (Tan) country, but he did not solve problems from Sima and was killed.
Is this it? Where is the original problem? I'm happy to answer your questions!
9. Reading the ancient prose Zhang Gui, the word Zuyi, the word Zuyi, Wu people also.
Zu Yu, Dr. Guanglu, Song Jinzi. Father Yong, Dr. You Guanglu.
Lu and Song Xiaowu asked Yong to ring the bell in front of the Taiji Hall, and the answer was always "there is copper in the bell". Is to buckle the clock to find the right position, chisel it off, and the sound is clear.
Guijie Brown Jiangxia Wang Taiwei joined the army and was stationed outside the army. He became a teacher's facial features with the government and was received by Gong Yi. He moved the prince to give up his family, became a zhongqing, and engaged in zhongqing with a title of generals in ancient times. Stuart has a long history.
At the beginning, he didn't refuse Guiyang thief to be in the white road, but was scattered. Ruan Dianfu wanted to add to the crime. Mao is sure, and Rose is grateful. Get the scattered cavalry, General Xiao Qi.
He still wears these clothes after his father's funeral. In the first year of Ming Dynasty, Liu Bing had different ideas, and his younger brother was Wu Jun, which had a great influence.
Since the Shen You incident, 3,000 people have gathered to deal with and attack weapons. Taizu secretly sent the temple general Bian Bailong Gui Ling to a distant place.
Zhang's world is full of pride, and there are often hundreds of old songs in aristocratic houses. Roses are summoned from afar, and roses are false instructions. He and his uncle led the eighteenth army into the county, and Guo, the general of the county defense team, took a long way into the middle and broke the window. Gu Xianzi cut the roses by hand, and no one in the county dared to move.
When he presented his victory, Mao told Zhang Chong to lead the army. He said hastily, "A rose is a hundred words." That is, the general of the auxiliary country and the satrap of Wu Jun were granted, and they were reduced to county magistrate, with thousands of households in the city.
Taizu was named tin after Jia. I don't worship except the champion general and the magistrate of Dongguan County in the East China Sea.
In the first year of Jianyuan, there were 200 new households in the city. Find and change the richness.
An infantry captain was added during the relocation. In two years, he moved to the official capital and became a captain as before.
Destroyed as general Lu, the satrap. In three years, Wu Cheng made Gu Changxuan guilty, and Gui sat still and was dismissed.
Next year, for a history degree. Sai-jo acceded to the throne, and was transferred to Lu Changshi with the government as the champion general, the long-term commander of Poyang Wang Bei, the prime minister of Xiangyang, and the affairs of Yongzhou government.
In the past four years, he was still the military attache of Jingzhou in Jingling, the general of the auxiliary country, the secretariat of Yongzheng, the governor of the northern and southern Qin dynasties, and the search for a captain. Also known as Zuo Minshang, he led the right army general and moved to the top general and Fu Changshi.
Ten years, too often. I am willing to rest for illness.
Next year, I will ride an ordinary waiter, Dr. Guanglu. In a word, I want to reuse roses, but I think the post-general and the prefect of the South East China Sea rank two thousand stones, working in South Xuzhou and Hedong countries.
When you go to the official, you will be called sick again. You are also a constant waiter and a doctor of Guanglu. Yu Lin acceded to the throne, adding a gold medal and a purple ribbon.
In the first year of Longchang, he gave twenty cronies. Yulin was abolished, and the courtiers went to the palace gate to attend the emperor, but Rose was not ill.
In Hailing, General Jiayou. The emperor suspected that foreigners were starting to fight, so he used Rosetown Stone to supervise the army.
Rose saw how difficult it was for the imperial court, so she fell ill. In the first year of Jianwu, he was transferred to Zhong Shi and Dr. Guanglu, and his cronies remained unchanged.
The monthly salary is 20 thousand In the second year, Lu Zhao was promoted to an official position, falsely supervising Guangling military affairs, attacking Yanzhou in the south, and withdrawing troops from Lu was also true.
The rose room is rich, the geisha concubine is full, and there are more than ten children. As the saying goes, "there must be good people among them." At the end of Jianwu, Emperor Gaozong returned to Wu many times. See Xu.
Enjoy it. Or a prostitute ridiculed Rose's decline. Rose said, "I have a bad temperament, but I can solve it when I am old.
I have been addicted to lust all my life, but I have not been able to send my ears here. "The emperor was seriously ill, suspected to be Fu, and took the rose element as a guide, and took precautions against General Pingtung and Wu Jun..
And respect is the opposite. Rose sent 3,000 officials to meet and refuse in Songjiang, while Wen Jing beat gongs and drums and dispersed temporarily. Ross abandoned the county and fled the people. When things are settled, Rose will go back to the county and be performed by a company, which is officially exempted.
At the beginning of Yongyuan, he was a doctor of Guanglu. Looking for the former general, Kim.
For three years, under the righteous teacher, I was carried away by the fake rose festival and guarded the stone. The righteous teacher went to the new pavilion, and Rose abandoned the city and returned to the palace.
Liang Chu returned to Guanglu. Four years in prison.
Translated, Zhang Guizi Zuyi is from Wuxian County, Wu Jun. Grandpa Zhang Yu used to be Dr. Lu Jin Ziguang in the Song Dynasty.
Father Zhang Yong, an official of Dr. You Guanglu. Knowing this rhythm, Emperor Xiaowu of Song asked Zhang Yong why the clock in front of the Taiji Hall hissed. Zhang Yong replied, "The bell was cast with copper.
"So I rang the bell for copper, and the copper was chiseled away, and the bell became clearer and clearer. Zhang Guiyuan was an official appointed for Taiwei Jiangxia to join the army, acting as an agent in charge of foreign soldiers, and taking the five senses as his teacher, which was very popular with Liu.
He was transferred to the Prince Sheren, became an uncle lang, and a title of generals in ancient times engaged in corps commander, which was related to Stuart. When Zhang led the rebellion against Guiyang in Baixia and broke up, Ruan Dianfu and others had to be punished. (Mao F.) defended him many times, and Zhang Gui was grateful to Mao for taking the initiative to form a good relationship with him.
He was transferred to the official servant of direct riding and scattered riding and the general of Xiao Qi. .
In the first year of the Ming Dynasty (477), Liu was unfaithful. At that time, my younger brother Xia Liu was in charge of Wu Jun, and my younger brother colluded with him. Taking advantage of the Shen You incident, he gathered 3000 people and built siege equipment.
Mao secretly sent Bian Bailong, a general in the temple, to order Zhang Gui to capture Liu Xia. The zhangs' generation is heroic, and there are hundreds of soldiers in Zhang Gui.
Liu Xia calls Zhang Gui and Zhang Gui pretends to accept Liu Xia's arrangement. So he and his uncle Zhang Shu led eighteen soldiers into the county, and Guo, the county magistrate, entered Zhai and captured Xia Liu. Liu Ya jumped out of the window and fled, and was beheaded by Gu Xianzi, the Ministry of Zhang Gui. No one in the county dares to move. Good news, MAO told the leader Zhang Chong. Zhang Chong said: "As long as Zhang Gui has 100 people, it will be successful in one hand."
Immediately, Zhang Guifu was made a general, a satrap of Wu Jun, and was made a thousand households in Yicheng County. Mao specially gave him this good name.
Later, the imperial court named Zhang Gui as the top general, which was not accepted by the magistrates in Donghai and Dongguan counties. In the first year of Jianyuan (479), another 200 food markets were added. After Yu (Xiao) acceded to the throne, Zhang Gui and Zi were added.
After Yulin King was abolished, courtiers went to the palace gate to pay homage to Emperor Gaozong, but Zhang Gui didn't go on the pretext of foot disease. After King Hailing ascended the throne, he was named the right general.
The emperor suspected that a foreign land would arise, so he asked Zhang Gui to guard the stone and supervise the army. Seeing how difficult it was for the imperial court, Zhang Gui was ill for a long time.
In the first year of Jianwu (494), Zhang Gui was transferred to Zhong Shi and Guanglu, and the emperor still trusted him closely. Increase 20 thousand's money every month
Zhang Gui is rich, full of prostitutes and concubines, and has more than ten sons. He always said, "There must be something good." At the end of Jianwu, Zhang Gui repeatedly asked the emperor to let him go back to his hometown in Wuzhong and got approval.
Some people ridiculed him for keeping geisha music in his later years. Zhang Gui said, "I liked temperament from my youth, and I didn't get it until I was old. The usual hobbies are gone now, only this one has not been lost. "
Tian Jian died in four years (505). .
Praise: Loyalty, military unification, and assisting the imperial industry can really be called both civil and military, and it deserves its reputation. You can explain it in court.