The great British historian Toynbee believes that * * is divided into 26 civilizations: Greek civilization, Syrian civilization, Iranian civilization, ancient Indian civilization, ancient China civilization, Minoan civilization, Sumerian civilization, Hittite civilization, Babylonian civilization, Egyptian civilization, Fourth Security civilization, Mexican civilization, Yucatan civilization, Mayan civilization, Byzantine-Orthodox civilization and Korean civilization (all of which are dead civilizations). Ottoman civilization, Spartan civilization, nomadic civilization (the above are stagnant civilizations), Western civilization, Orthodox civilization, Islamic civilization, Indian civilization, and Far East civilization (the civilization that is still alive after listing).
Bingler, a German historian, thinks that there are eight advanced civilizations in history: Egyptian, Indian, Babylonian, China, classical Greek and Roman (Apollo), Islam, Zoroastrianism (Stoicism in Suo Luoya), Mexican and western (modern) civilizations.
Russian Daniel Foschi believes that there are 12 historical and cultural types in the human world: Egyptian type, China type and ancient Sem type (including yamen, Phoenicia, Babylon, etc. ), Indian, Iranian, Hebrew, Greek, Roman, neo-Sem, Germanic-Roman, Mexican and Peruvian.
Of these three statements, the latter is the basis of the former, and so is time. The nearest one is Toynbee.