What are the characteristics of grape leaves?

Grape leaves are composed of stipules, petioles and leaves. Stipules have a protective effect on young leaves. When the leaves grow up, the stipules fall off on their own. There is a groove at the base of the petiole, which can hold the new tip from three sides. The leaves are shaped like a human palm, mostly 5-lobed, and a few varieties have 3-lobed.

The surface of leaves has cuticle, which is generally shiny, and the back of leaves is densely hairy or smooth and hairless. The size, shape and color of leaves, the depth of cracks and whether the sawtooth shape is sharp are important basis for identifying grape varieties.

The function of leaves is photosynthesis, organic nutrient production, respiration and transpiration, and certain fertilizer absorption and moisture absorption. The number of leaves is closely related to fruit yield and quality.