Confucius said: "I can say that the ceremony of the Xia Dynasty is not enough to prove my words; I can speak of Yin Zhili, but Song Guo is not enough to prove my words. This is due to the lack of written materials and people familiar with Li Xia and Li Yin. If there is enough, I can find evidence. " ?
Qi: Zhou Tianzi named Xia Hou, who was born in the state of Qi, as a sacrifice to the summer.
Song Dynasty: After the demise of Shang Dynasty, Zhou sealed the son of Shang Dynasty in Song Dynasty to preserve Shang Tang's sacrifice. Qian Mu: Zhou was feudal, rich and powerful, and destroyed the country, following the peerless world, so it was the late Qi and Song Dynasties after Xia and Yin.
Signature: that is, "proof", confirmation and proof.
Literature: Literature refers to ancient books. Dedication, sage, scholar-bureaucrat with courtesy.
From The Analects of Confucius and Eight-part Essay.
Connotation: This passage illustrates two problems. Confucius was very familiar with the etiquette system in Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and he hoped that people could abide by the etiquette norms. Secondly, he thinks that the explanation of the rites of Xia, Shang and Zhou depends on enough historical classics and sages to prove it, which also reflects his realistic attitude towards knowledge. ?
Extended data:
The contents of The Analects:
1, The Analects of Confucius involves many aspects such as philosophy, politics, economy, education, literature and art, and is the most important classic of Confucianism. In terms of expression, The Analects of Confucius is a model for recording prose, with concise language and vivid images. In terms of arrangement, The Analects has no strict compiling style, each article is a chapter, and each chapter is a chapter. Articles and chapters are not closely related, but are roughly classified and repeated chapters appear.
The dialogue between Confucius and his children is very extensive. The dialogue between Confucius and his novice disciples began with skills, and the main content was "Six Arts". Namely: "Imperial, Shooting, Writing, Counting, Ritual and Music". Shooting-archery, commanding-controlling chariot technology; Books-including literacy and common sense-are equivalent to current cultural and scientific knowledge.
3. Numbers-include not only general mathematical knowledge, but also calendars that record days, months and years, and even "gossip". Rites-used to maintain various ethical norms; Music-cultivate moral feelings through artistic means such as music, dance and poetry. From this point of view, "Li" and "Yue" are both exterior and interior relations, and "Li" is the expression content and "Yue" is the expression form of "Li". "Rites" and "music" cooperate with each other to accomplish the task together.
Baidu encyclopedia-the Analects of Bashu