How to remove the background color of words in word documents

First, open the Word document program, and you can see that the text has a background color.

/ "target =" _ blank "title =" "class. /iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/d 000 baa 1cd 1 1728 b 1422 DC 74 c 6 fc C3 CEC 3 FD 2c 5c? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ d 000 baa 1cd 1 1728 b 1422 DC 74c 6 fc C3 CEC 3 FD 2c 5c "/>

Second, click "Design" at the top of the main interface of Word program, and then click Open.

/ "target =" _ blank "title =" "class =" ikqb _ img _ alink ">. /iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/0ff 4 1 BD 5 ad 6 eddc 435 ce E4 ad 37 dbb 6 FD 526633 be? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ 0 ff 4 1 BD 5 ad 6 eddc 435 ce E4 ad 37 dbb 6b 6 FD 526633 be "/>;

3. Then, select Page Border and click Open.

/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/cf 1b9d 16 fdf AAF 5 1 EEC BD 1e 9825494 eef 0 1 f 7 abf " target = " _ blank " title = " " class = " ikqb _ img _ alink " >/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/cf 1b9d 16fdfaaf 5 1 eecbd 1e 9825494 eef 0 1f 7 abf? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ cf 1b9d 16 fdfaaf 5 1 EEC BD 1e 9825494 eef 0 1 F7 abf

4. Then, select the Shadow tab in the pop-up window and set the fill to no color.

/ "target =" _ blank "title =" "class =" ikqb _ img _ alink ">. /iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/2 fdda 3 cc 7 CD 98d 1006 ff 5c 672 F3 FB 80 e 7 bec 90 b 8? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ 2 fdda 3c C7 CD 98d 1006 ff 5 c 672 F3 FB 80 e 7 bec 90 b 8 "/>;

Fifth, finally, we can see that the background color of Word text has been successfully removed and the problem has been solved.

/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/42a 98226 cffc 1e 1 704 cedc 674490 f 603738 de 977 " target = " _ blank " title = " " class = " ikqb _ img _ alink " >/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/42a 98226 cffc 1e 1704 cedc 674490 f 603738 de 977? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ 42a 98226 cffc 1e 1704 cedc 674490 f 603738 de 977 "/>;