Virtue is not virtue, but virtue. Virtue without virtue is virtue without virtue. Virtue is inaction without thinking. Ren Shang did it without thinking. Shangyi has thought it over. It is also appropriate to give it a gift. If you are busy with your arms, you will lose your way. If you lose virtue, you lose virtue, then the benevolent, then the righteous, and then the courteous. Those who treat their husbands with courtesy are loyal and trustworthy, and they are the first in chaos. Those who know before, the gorgeous way, the head of a fool. Therefore, a gentleman lives in a thick place instead of a pool. Living in reality, not in China. So peel this.
Those who have gained in the past, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the ground is flat, God gets the spirit, the bath is full, and the princes get the righteousness. When I'm sad, I'm afraid of lotus flowers when my stomach is unclear, I'm afraid of hair when my stomach is unclear, I'm afraid of rest when my stomach is not full, I'm afraid of thirst when my stomach is not full, and I'm afraid of fainting when my stomach is high. So it must be expensive and cheap, and it must be high and low. Husband is based on the loneliness of the princes, which is the foundation and not the same. Therefore, this figure is nothing. Therefore, not wanting to be rich is like a stone.
Staff sergeant heard Corydalis can. Sergeant heard that if you survive, you will die. The corporal smiled. Just laughing is not enough. Therefore, there are suggestions: Ming Dow is like a fee, like a retreat, like a retreat; Virtue is like a bath, white is like shame, and Guangde is like deficiency; Jiande is like a slap, the quality is really like pleasure, generous and unpretentious. There is no punishment in heaven, and the Tao is nameless. Only when the husband is the Tao, can he succeed.
Opponents are also moved by the Tao. If you are weak, you can use Tao. Everything in the world is born with it, but not with it.
Tao gives birth to one, two, three and everything. Everything is negative to yin and holds yang, while the middle qi thinks it is harmonious. The world is evil, only lonely, and the princes take their names. Don't lose and get, get and lose. We should discuss what an old friend taught us and teach it to others. Therefore, the strong will never die, and I will learn from my father.
The softest in the world is the strongest in the world. There's nothing. I think it is beneficial to know inaction. Teaching without words is the benefit of inaction, and the world hopes to achieve it. Who is better, who is better, who is better and who is worse. If you love it very much, you will pay a lot, but if you hide it too much, you will die. Therefore, contentment is not shameful, and knowing that it is not dangerous can last long.
Who is better, who is better, who is better and who is worse. If you love it very much, you will pay a lot, but if you hide it too much, you will die. Therefore, contentment is not shameful, and knowing that it is not dangerous can last long.
If you don't succeed, you won't spend money. If the profit is large, there is no shortage of use. Straight as a fool, smart as a fool, and big as a winner. Impatience overcomes cold, and beauty wins. For this world, please be beautiful.
There is a road in the world, but it is a waste. There is no way in the world, and the suburbs have horses. Sin is greater than desire, disaster is greater than dissatisfaction, and blame is worse than desire. So contentment is enough, perseverance is enough.
Stay at home and get to know the world. If you don't follow the rules, you can know heaven. It is far away from you, and you know little about it. Knowing that saints can't do it, they don't see it.
There are more and more scholars, and those who listen to the Tao will lose. Loss and loss lead to inaction. Doing nothing. Will want to take the world, nothing will happen. And doing something together is not enough to win the world.
Saints have no perseverance and take the people's hearts as their hearts. Good people are good, bad people are good, and virtue is good. Those who believe believe, those who don't believe, and they are honest. The sage is in the world, [the heart] [the heart] is awkward, and it is the heart of the world. People have eyes and ears, saints cough.
Risking his life. Three out of ten people are alive, three out of ten people are dead, and three out of ten people are alive and moving. My husband, for some reason, lives his life. Gai Wenshan holds his life, but he can't attack Linghu, and he won't be a soldier when he joins the army. Arrows have no horns, tigers have no fleas, and soldiers have no room for knives. Honey, why not? Why not die?
Tao gives birth to animals with virtue, and material punishment gives birth to devices. It is based on that all things respect Tao and morality. Respect for Tao is also the value of virtue. Born a peerless man. Daosheng, beast, long, then, cabinet, poison, support, complex. Born with it, there is it. Born with it, there is a temple. It won't be slaughtered when it grows up. This is Xuande's stomach.
The world has a beginning, thinking that the world is the mother. You have a mother who knows your son. If you keep your mother, you will be safe without your body. Stuffed and closed, life is not purple. Enlighten the boring and unhelpful, don't stab them all your life. See the big with the small, and be soft with the strong. Use Guang Qi, but also Qi Ming. It is the stomach that attacks the body.
Let me know, walk on the road. He is the only one who is afraid, the road is desolate and people are easy to understand. Except Chao, the field is rough, the warehouse is empty, and there are more than enough gifts, swords and goods. He is a stomach thief. Stealing is wrong.
Those who are good at making will not pull out, and those who are good at holding will not take off. Children and grandchildren will never stop offering sacrifices. The virtue of the body is true, the virtue of the family is more than enough, the virtue of the family is long, the virtue of the country is abundant, and the virtue of the world is abundant. Look at yourself, your home, your hometown, your country and the world. How do I know what the world is like? That's it.
Moral people are better than children. I'm afraid of stinging every time I stab, and I'm afraid of catching birds and animals. The bones are weak, the muscles are soft, and the grip is firm. I wonder if I will be angry. All day, the number is not awkward, but also harmonious. Harmony is common, knowing harmony is clear, health is auspicious, and the heart is strong. When things are strong, they get old, and their stomachs and fleas are not good.
He who knows speaks, and he who speaks knows. Stuffing, closing the door, harmony with light, sharing dust, sitting and reading, resolving disputes, and sharing the same stomach. So, you can't get a kiss, you can't get it. If you can't get it, you can't get it. You can't get it, but you can't get it. Therefore, you are the world.
Take the right country, use troops abnormally, and take the world for nothing. Why do I know that sadness is also embarrassing? There are many taboos in the world and the people are poor. There are many sharp weapons among the people, but the state is weak. Many people know it, but what is it? There are many thieves, but many laws. In the words of saints, I do nothing, while the people enjoy themselves; I am so quiet that the people are self-righteous; I have nothing to do and the people are rich; I don't want what I want, but the people are afraid.
You are right, you are right. I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it. Unfortunately, happiness depends on it; Happiness lies in misfortune. Who knows extreme? There is no righteousness, but righteousness is abnormal, and good is evil. People's infatuation will last for a long time. Square without cutting, without stabbing, straight without sticking, without looking at it.
It's hard to manage people. My husband is just stingy and flea-ridden. Flea clothes are the accumulation of virtue in the stomach. There is nothing wrong with accumulating virtue. If you don't know anything, you don't know the ultimate. You can have a country that doesn't know the extremes. The mother of a country can last a long time. This is the way to live a long life with a deep stomach.
Governing a big country is like being small and fresh. To establish the world by Tao, ghosts are not gods. Either a ghost, or a god, or a god who doesn't hurt people. If you don't hurt people, you will be hurt by saints. Husband and wife don't hurt each other, so morality returns.
Big countries are dirty, and the world is also a suburb of the world. You always win the game with beauty. For the sake of beauty, it is appropriate to be next. Small states under big states take small states. The big state below the small state is taken from the big state. So, take it off or take it off. So big countries want to be livestock and small countries want to be people. All men have desires, and the older one should be next.
Tao is the note of all things. Good people have reservations, and so do bad people. A kind word can win the market, and a respectful move can congratulate others. If people are not good, why should they be disgusted? Therefore, the son of heaven, three qing, although there are * * * wall, with the first of four horses, it is not good to sit here. What was the reason why it was so expensive in ancient times? If you don't want it, you will feel guilty for running away from it. Therefore, you are the world.
For inaction, inaction, no taste. How much is good for bad? It is difficult to draw a picture because it is big and detailed. The difficulty of the world, the great work of the world. Therefore, saints are not big in winter, so they can become bigger. If the husband is not trustworthy, it is even harder. It is difficult to be a saint, so winter is not difficult.
It is safe and easy to hold. It's easy to find without warning. It's crisp and easy to judge. It's tiny and easy to disperse. For it, there is nothing wrong, for it, there is no chaos. Hugging wood was born at the last minute. 90% of the platforms are built on the earth. The height of a hundred benevolence is above the first step. Those who do lose, and those who take lose. It is because the sage does nothing that there is no defeat; There is nothing to hold on to, so there is nothing to lose. People's participation is also constant in success and failure. Therefore, if you are cautious in the end, there is nothing to lose. It is a rare commodity that saints don't want, but it is not expensive. If they don't learn, they will resume what everyone has done. Can help the nature of all things and dare to do it.
Therefore, the Taoist will not be wise to the people, but will be foolish. It is also difficult for ordinary people to treat. An old friend knows the state, and the thief of the state is also. Knowing the country by ignorance is also the virtue of the country. The continuous understanding of the two is also an example. Always know the formula, this belly is Liu Bei. Xuande is far-reaching, perverse and even great.
Jianghai can be the king of all baths, and it is because of energy that he can be the king of all baths. Going to the folk is a saint's wish, and it must be said in words. If you want to be an ancestor, you must be behind you. In front of the former residence, the people are harmful, but the people are heavy. The world is happy and full of happiness because of falcons. Is it necessary to be irrelevant? So, there is nothing in the world.
A small country rewards people, making 100 people's tools useless, and the people die and send them far away. There are cars with nothing to ride around and soldiers with nothing to do. Let people use it again. Eat happily, dress beautifully, enjoy vulgarity and live quietly. Neighbors look at each other, chickens and dogs hear each other, and people don't communicate with each other until they die of old age.
Good words are not beautiful, good words are not beautiful. Those who know don't know, those who know don't know. There are not many good people, but many bad ones. A saint does not accumulate. He thinks that people have enough, and he also has enough to give to others. Therefore, heaven has advantages and disadvantages. The man's way is to do it.
The world is full of stomachs. I am big, big, but it is not night. Husband is old, but he doesn't stay overnight. If it is at night, it will be fine for a long time. I always have three things to keep: first, honesty, second, checks, and third, not being the first in the world. Fukuko, you can be brave. Test, so it can be wide. Dare to be the first in the world, and you can succeed. Today, forget your life, go forward bravely, forget your life. Master wins by fighting and consolidates by discipline. Heaven will make it, and women will make it with this wall.
Those who are good at learning are not brave, those who are good at fighting are not angry, those who are good at defeating the enemy are generous, and those who are good at employing people feel inferior. It is the virtue of the stomach, the employment of the stomach, and the extreme of the stomach.
There is a saying in fighting: don't dare to be the host and guest, don't dare to push your luck. The stomach does nothing, the bag has no arms, no soldiers, and it is invincible. Disaster is greater than being at a loss, and I will lose my life if I am at a loss. Therefore, the soldiers are similar, and the mourners will win.
My words are easier said than done, but people can't know what they can do, so they can't do it. Words have a monarch, things have sects, and husbands are ignorant and ignorant. If you know what you want, then I am expensive. So the sage browned it and made it into jade.
You know what? That's enough. I don't know. I'm sick. It is based on the fact that saints are not sick, but sick and sick, so they are not sick.
If the people are not afraid, great fear will come. If you are not born in a family, you will not be born in a depression. It is not enough for a husband to be satisfied. Therefore, a saint knows himself without seeing himself, and loves himself without valuing himself. So I was brought here.
Dare to kill, dare not kill. These two things are either good or bad, and heaven is evil. Who knows why? Heaven means winning without fighting, being responsive, uninvited and resourceful. Heaven [clothing saint] [clothing saint] is sparse without losing.
If Min Heng is not afraid of death, how can he kill fear? If Min-Hyung dies, I'll kill him. Who dares? If Min Heng is afraid of death, there will always be a murderer. Favos' killer kills people. This is a great craftsman. I cut a skillful craftsman, I hope I don't hurt my hand.
Human hunger is also based on hunger. If people don't die, they think it is impossible to die. The death of the people is as thick as survival and also the death of the people. A husband who lives only for himself is a virtuous and noble life.
Born weak, died wise. Everything is born soft and brittle, but dies and withers. Therefore: the strong will die; Weak and implicit, students are born. A good soldier is invincible, but a strong wood remains the same. The strong are second, and the weak are second.
Worldly, unitary bow also. Print the highest and lift the lowest. If you have more, you will lose, and if you have less, you will make up. Therefore, heaven does more harm than good, and humanity does more harm than good. Who can serve heaven more than enough? Only Tao. It is based on saints and is born out of nothing. If so, he doesn't want to see the sage.
The world is not weak, but the strong can't win, so nothing can change. The victory of water is strong, and the victory of weakness is strong. There is nothing in the world that I don't know and nothing that I can't do. Therefore, the sage said: being criticized by the state is the master of the stomach country; Being unlucky by the country is the king of the stomach. If it is that opposite.
If you have great grievances, you will have more grievances. How can I be good? Based on the correct introduction of saints, not on others. So, there are German companies, but there are no German companies. Husband has no relatives, constant and kind.
Taoist classics
Tao can be Tao, but it is not constant. A name can be named, but it is not a constant name. Unknown is the beginning of everything. Fame is the mother of everything. Therefore, there is no desire to read. There is always a desire to see what it is. Two people have the same name and the same belly. There is mystery in mystery, which is the door of many people.
Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty and evil is already. Everyone knows it's good, but he's not. Whether or not, difficulty and difficulty complement each other, the length of punishment, the strength of the game, the harmony between meaning and sound. It is based on the voice of inaction and the teaching of inaction. Everything is the beginning of the past, and it is also an ambition. Success is also a success. The only way for her husband to survive is to go to Fogang.
Don't be virtuous, let the people do not dispute. Cheap and rare goods make people afraid to steal. If you can't see what you want, you can save the people from chaos. It is also based on the rule of man: empty his heart, strengthen his abdomen, weaken his will and strengthen his bones; Constantly let the people be ignorant and have no desire, and let their husbands know that they dare not do it, and there is no cure.
If you use it on the road, you will have a surplus. Oh, the beginning of everything. Archive its reading, settle its disputes, and its light, with its dust. Jen, it still existed at first. I don't know who his son is, like the emperor.
Heaven and earth are ruthless, and everything is a dog. People are ruthless, and a hundred provinces are dogs. Between heaven and earth, graceful, empty but not vomiting, moving but not fleeing. Better be poor than stay in the middle.
Bath god never dies, it is stomach Xuanzang. Xuanzang's door is the root of the stomach. Continuous, if it exists. Use with caution.
Forever and ever, heaven and earth can last for a long time, because they can live forever if they are not born. It is based on the voice of human body, and they are the first, they exist outside. Don't be selfless? Therefore, it can be private.
Good at water control, water is good for everything and quiet. Living in everyone's evil, so it is a few words. Live in a good place, be kind-hearted, give goodwill, good governance, good deeds and good times. My husband is restless, so there is nothing special.
[Straight] and profit, if it doesn't. Keep it short, but not too long. In today's Shi Ying, Mo Zhishou also. Rich and arrogant, blame yourself. Merit confession, heaven also.
Dai Ying (Baishi) has one. Can you not leave? Gas is soft enough to make people. Removing the mysterious blue can be perfect. Love the people and build the country, but you can't rely on smart tigers. The opening and closing of Tianmen can be female. If you know Starr, you can ignore it. Born, livestock, born with happiness, long and happy. It's stomach Xuande.
The same hub has 30 spokes, and when it has nothing, the car is also used. However, if it is a device, it is also useful when it is nothing. Chisel home, when nothing happens, the room is also used. Therefore, thinking is beneficial, but thinking is not.
The five colors make people see clearly, the flying field wax makes people crazy, the exotic goods can make people walk, the five flavors make people [mouth], and the five tones make people deaf. It is based on the rule of man, not on the stomach. So listen to this.
It would be great if the dragon was humiliated. Will rudeness and humiliation shock people? If you are surprised by the dragon's actions, you will be surprised by the loss, and you will be humiliated by the stomach dragon. Why is the belly too big? I had a big bang because I had a body and I didn't have a body. What explosion? Therefore, it is important in the world if you can [stone] the world. Love is the world, and women can give it to the world.
Seeing it is called [micro-ear]. Listen and smell, it's called hope. Touch it, get it, and it's called Yi. The three are uncountable, so they are mixed into one. On the one hand, it doesn't collect or ignore. If you can't find a name, you will be lost. It is the shape of the stomach and the image of nothingness. It's a sudden stomach upset. Sui didn't see its back, but he didn't see its head. Adhering to the way of today, resisting the existence of today and knowing the past are the disciplines of the stomach.
The goodness in ancient times is the Tao, which is slightly mysterious and profound. The husband can't be ambitious, so he has to say firmly: Also, if you wade in winter; Ah, if it is afraid of its neighbors; Yan, if you are a guest; Oh, it's Jose; Chaos, if awkward; Oh, if it is turbid; [Tan Zhuang] Oh, it's like taking a bath. Turbid and emotional, Qing Yu. Women are the most important, for life. People who keep this way don't want to make a profit. My husband doesn't want to make money, so he can't.
To the extreme, keep the table. Doing everything beside me, I can see again. Husband and things are like clouds, each returning to his own place and saying love. Love is the stomach. Call me back often. Know what it is, but know what it is. I don't know, often, [dead towel] [dead towel] is fierce. Knowing forbearance, forbearance is public, public is king, king is heaven, heaven is Tao, and Tao is long. I don't care about my body [my heart].
Upper level, lower level. Second, personally praise it. Second, fear it. Bottom, mother. The letter is insufficient, and the case is not believed. Ah, it's expensive. Success is a matter of course, but I will save my stomach.
Therefore, abandoning the Tao, the case is righteous. Hurry up and know that the case is fake. Six parents are not in harmony, and the case is an animal. There is a loyal minister in the case of a national family.
Never give up knowledge, and people will lose everything. Light benevolence and abandon righteousness, the people will be restored to livestock. Never give up profits, thieves have nothing. These three words also feel that the text is not enough, so they belong to it: embrace the elements when you see them, and be less selfish and less desirous.
Juexue is nothing but greatness. What is the difference? What is the difference between beauty and evil? What people are afraid of, you can't be afraid of people. Look, it's not talent. Everyone is bustling, if the hometown is in prison, spring scenery is in Taiwan. I don't know if the baby doesn't cough. Tired, if there is no return. Everyone has more than enough, I am alone. I am stupid, too. It's obviously me alone. Caicai, I'm alone. Suddenly, it was like the sea. Listen, it will never stop. Everyone has his own ideas, and so do I. I want to be different from others, but I want to eat my mother.
Comte's tolerance is only obedience. You only look at the things of Tao, but you don't smell them. Suddenly, I looked, and there was an image in it. I suddenly looked at it and there was something in it. Please welcome me in the middle when you sing. The invitation is real, including a letter. From now on, its name will not go, in order to follow the public [father]. How can I know the truth about many people? That's it.
Cooking does not stand, look at your own chapter, look at your own uncertainty, it is useless to cut your own, and admire your own shortcomings. It is in the Tao that it is superfluous to say [rice]. Things are evil or evil is evil, so important people live with wealth. Qu is gold, waste is certain, depression is surplus, we are new, less harvest, more confused. It is based on the sound of people holding one and thinking that the world is eating grass. Don't look at the past chapters, don't look at the past clearly, don't make meritorious deeds, and don't be proud of yourself. Husband is just indisputable, so he can't refute it. In ancient times, what was the talent of people with bent stomachs? Sincere return.
Qu is gold, waste is certain, depression is surplus, we are new, less harvest, more confused. It is based on the sound of people holding one and thinking that the world is eating grass. Don't look at the past chapters, don't look at the past clearly, don't make meritorious deeds, and don't be proud of yourself. Husband is just indisputable, so he can't refute it. Ancient land, full of gold, but also a few words. Sincere return.
Hope is natural, the wind is not in winter, and the rainstorm is not in winter. Why? Heaven and earth can last a long time, and brothers are human! Therefore, those who engage in Taoism are the same, those who are virtuous are the same, and those who lose are the same. If you are virtuous, you will be virtuous. He who loses the same way loses the Tao.
All the best, let nature take its course. Hehe Miao, independent without love, can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know its name, it says between the lines. My strong name is Da. This is a great curse, a great gap, and a great gap. The road is big, the sky is big, the land is big, and the king is big. There are four big countries in China, but Wang Juyi is not. Man's law is based on the earth, the earth is based on the sky, the sky is based on the Tao, and the Tao is natural.
Focus on the root cause and clarify the manic monarch. It is the daily behavior of a gentleman. Only Huan Guan, Yan Re. How to become a thousand kings and set an example for the world? If you are jealous, you lose money; if you are impatient, you lose your husband.
Good deeds are seamless [thorough], good words are flawless, and good numbers are not based on [wood life] and [bamboo analysis]. He who is good at closing can't open it without a door rope. People who are good at knot-making have no promises, but they can't untie them. Is to treat people with voice [ask for help with heart] and not abandon people. Never abandon wealth, your stomach [heart] is clear. Therefore, good people are good teachers. Not good at people, but also good at people. I don't value my teacher and I don't love his capital. Only the shrinking of Zhihu is the key to my stomach.
It is a world trend to know his man and keep his woman. For the world flow, Hengde never gives up. Constant virtue never leaves, and it belongs to the baby. Know its white, keep its shame, and bathe for the world. Bathing for the world, constant virtue is enough. Constant virtue is enough, and you are a knight. Knowing its white and keeping its black is the world wind. For the world, Hengde does not lend. Hengde does not lend, and it will return to infinity. Scattered as a device, using sound as an official. There is no cutting in the husband's system.
I will take the whole world to do it. I saw it paid off. If you are an artifact in the world, you must do it. Those who do lose, and those who do lose. Things or line, or sui, or death, or [stone sitting], or, or death. Therefore, people should go up, up, up.
Helping others with Tao, without soldiers, is better than the world. Reward is a good thing. Where the teacher is, Chu [Li Mu] was born. The good kind is fruitful. Don't take advantage. Fruit without arrogance, fruit without hesitation, fruit without cutting, fruit without birth. It's stomach fruit but not strong. It's always wrong to have a strong stomach. No, fleas do.
The weapon of the husband's soldiers is also evil, and those who want it will live in it. The gentleman is in the left, and the fight is in the right. Therefore, soldiers are not the weapons of gentlemen. Soldiers' ominous tools are also a last resort. It is better to attack than to be beautiful. If it is beautiful, it is happy to kill people. If you enjoy killing people, you can't succeed in the world. Left is a good thing, right is a funeral. In this way, the general can stay on the left and the general can stay on the right. Some people say that funerals are places to live. Kill many people, stand by and grieve. Victory, with a funeral.
The Tao is unknown, the Jue is small, and the world dares to be a minister. If the marquis can keep it, everything will take care of itself. Heaven and earth blend together, with Yu Ganluo. People don't make orders, but they balance themselves. It was famous at first, and the name was already there. My husband will also be in Zhi Zhi and Zhi Zhi, so it's not dangerous. The Tao is also in the world, and the small bath is also in the river and sea.
Know people, know faces, but don't know hearts. He who knows himself knows. He who overcomes others is strong. Since the winner, strong also. The contented are rich. Those who are strong have aspirations. People who don't lose their position will stay for a long time. Immortality means eternal life.
Peach and plum, but left and right. Success is success, but so is fame. Everything belongs to the Buddha, but it has no desire, so it can be named small. Everything belongs to Buddha, but it can be named after the big one. Because people can become bigger, and because people are not big, they can become bigger.
Catch an elephant and the world will turn. Go ahead, there's no harm, Anping is big. Happiness and bait, beyond the box. As the old saying goes, it is tasteless to talk about it; It is not enough to look at it; Just listening is not enough; Use it, it's not enough.
You must open it if you want to pick it up. The ancient desire is weak and must be strong. If you want to go, you must follow. If you want to take it away, you must give it back to me. This is a weak stomach. A weak friend is not as good as a strong friend, a fish can't take off, and a sharp weapon can't treat people.
Tao is nameless. If you can keep it, everything is self-centered. If you want to do it for your own heart, I'll call it nobody. A husband who is not famous will not lose face. Don't insult your feelings, heaven and earth are right.
(The final edition of this school is based on the first edition of Laozi's Tao Te Ching unearthed from Mawangdui Han Tomb, with reference to the second edition, bamboo slips and the general edition of this school. )