There used to be a saying: "If you are unconscious, you can go straight without help;" White sand is in the mud, not dyed but black. "Isn't the good and evil of folk custom caused by habit? In the past, Xinmin beggars often abandoned clans, surrounded the village, and there was violence in all directions. Is there a difference between sex and other people's sins? I have no way to govern, no way to teach. Therefore, it is not early for my parents to advise my family, nor is it early for me to inculcate Tao at home, nor is it good to persuade them to do it. Even my parents have nothing to do with this matter, or they are resentful and hypocritical, so they let it go from bad to bad, so I should share the responsibility with my parents and children. Oh! The past is out of reach, and the future can still be pursued. Therefore, this is a special rural convention. In order to reconcile the people, all people who have made the same covenant from now on should be filial to their parents, respect their brothers, teach their children and grandchildren, help each other in death and bereavement, sympathize with each other in adversity, encourage each other in kindness, warn each other in evil, stop litigation and struggle, trust and repair each other, and become a kind person. Oh! Although people are stupid, they are clearly responsible; He who blames himself is smart, but he is weak. Your parents and children don't think about the old and evil of new people instead of being kind to them, but when they think about it, they are kind. If you don't rely on yourself as a good citizen and don't cultivate your body, you will be evil if you think about it, which is the wicked; People's good and evil, because of a thought, you think about my words carefully, don't be careless! One: In the same agreement, people who are respected by the public because of their advanced age and good virtue 1 person, 2 deputy people, 4 honest and decisive people, 4 knowledgeable and original people, 4 diligent and honest people and 2 people who are familiar with etiquette were praised. There are three books: one is to write the name of the same contract and know what the company did when it was fired; The second book is a book that shows beauty, a book that corrects beauty, and it is a long time. One: Anyone who has an appointment will pay three points, send an appointment, have food and drink, and be free from hunger and thirst. One: The duration of the meeting is expected to be within months. If there is any disease or accident, it is allowed to send someone to make an appointment in advance; If you don't go for no reason, you will be fined one or two yuan for public use after reading bad books. One: where the Covenant is flat in the Taoist temple, choose the temple with a broad vision. One: the words of people who show kindness are obviously decisive, and those who correct them are subtle and graceful; The way of loyalty is also. If someone is not a younger brother, don't say that he is not a younger brother, but it is said that the ceremony of respecting a brother is quite unfinished; If someone doesn't believe it, the case will be closed; So is anyone who corrects evil. If there is an evil that is difficult to change, don't change it, let it have no place to live, or provoke it to be evil. About a long deputy, be sure to talk to him in advance, so that when you surrender, you will be persuaded by * * * to publicize your good ideas, so that you can publish a book and make it change; If you can't change it, then change it and write again; You can't change it, and then you are a white official; If you can't change it, the person who has an agreement is obviously guilty of holding the official who sent it; If the situation cannot be maintained, Qi Xin should make concerted efforts to beg the government and the soldiers to destroy it. One: if the person who agrees to make an appointment has any dangerous or difficult things, he must make an appointment with the person who agrees to make an appointment to draw a plan together, and he must be reasonable and helpful; Don't sit back and dodge, fall into sin, and sin will come to everyone. One: sending people to the village often carries the same burden than hiding back to their hometown when they are on duty; In the future, I will make an appointment to wait for the persuasion order and accept the promise at the end of the period. If we repeat the previous malpractice, we will sue the official punishment and cut it off. One: large local households and foreign merchants charge interest on loans, which is not worth calculating according to the usual practice; Or people who are poor and unable to pay, it is also appropriate to be lenient; If there is such a heartless person, he will grab the lock and take it away. He will write about the field and let the poor steal it without saying goodbye. If you have this complaint in the future, the contract leader will understand, and those who can't afford it will be advised to be lenient; Take those who have passed the number, strength and pursuit; If you dare not listen, you will bring the same person's lawsuit. One: relatives and neighbors often turn to thieves because of small anger, which harms good and causes great disasters; Things that are unfair in future fights should be discussed openly, such as the length of the song; Or about a long time, that is, with the Oracle explanation; Those who dare to do what they did before will be punished by the government. One: the military and civilians are equal in virtue, full of thieves' feelings, selling cattle and horses, spreading news, harming others and benefiting themselves, but all the people are admonished at the same rate and investigated by officials. One: Li Shu, Yimin, Zong Jia, Li Lao, Bai Chang, Gong Bing, Ji Kuai, etc. They all send people to the countryside to ask for salary, and the appointment rate will be investigated with the official. One: the residents of each village, who were harmed by Xinmin in the past, could not bear to say anything; But now that he has been allowed to turn over a new leaf and the land he occupied has been returned, there is no need to worry about it and disturb the place. It is always right to tell him to keep his duty, and if he doesn't listen, he will be punished by the official. One: recruiting new people, because of your good thinking, and the crime of lending people; When blaming yourself, turn over a new leaf, work hard, buy and sell flat, think of good people, have no previous name, be willing to be dirty and bring about self-destruction; From time to time, it is also appropriate to tear up the Oracle. For example, those who have done wrong before will be punished by the government. One: when men and women grow up, they should get married in time; Often the bride's dowry is not complete, and the man's dowry is not rich, which leads to the winning period; About dragons waiting for their provinces to tell people that from today on, they call it whether they have a home or not and get married at any time. One: parents are buried, dressed in coffins, but sincere and filial, saying that there is nothing to do at home; In addition, it is not good for the deceased to make a fuss about Buddhism, or to hold banquets and spend money; Those who are about to wait for the appointment of government officials will abide by the etiquette system; Those who have done wrong before, that is, used the books in the Book of Righteousness and Evil, are unfilial. One: The day before the meeting, I knew I would clean the furniture in the hall in advance and set up a notice board and incense table in the south. On the day of the meeting, the same agreement was completed and the drums were played three times. Everyone stood in front of the incense table and knelt down to listen to the Covenant. He Zhong, the leader of the Covenant, threatened: "From now on, whoever makes a Covenant with me will only keep the precepts, and Qi Xin will unite virtue and return to the best;" If you have two hearts or three hearts, those who are good at yang and evil at yin will be punished by heaven. " Everyone said: "There are two or three minds, and those who love Yang and hate Yin will be punished by the gods." They all bowed again, rejoicing, walked out of the clubhouse, divided things into two parts, read the township agreement and said loudly, "All our allies must abide by the township agreement." Everyone said, "Yes." It's something worship. Xing, take your places, and those who are less should drink in the three lines of elders, know the appointment, set Zhang Shan in the class, set the pen and inkstone in the south, and set the mountain in the book; Jozan drummed three times and everyone got up. Jozan sang, "Please do good!" "People said," This is about history. As soon as the history of the Covenant came out, he showed his good position and threatened: "If someone has some kindness, someone can change it. Please write it down and think it's the same. " Covenants are all over mass: "How?" They said, "The appointment of history is very appropriate! "Covenant is precisely to praise good people to show their kind stance and make things stand upright. The history of the Covenant was repeated and said to the public, "Please tell us what you are doing somewhere!"! "Everyone knows what to do, but if they don't know, they will say," History is right! "When the deputy director of the contract is right, he will show his favorable position. After writing the contract history, the contract leader raised his glass and threatened: "If someone can do good deeds and change anything, he can repair his body.". "A certain person can make a certain ethnic group better, change a certain one, and bring the family together; If everyone is like this, what is the custom? I made an appointment, just as a law! " Therefore, it belongs to its kind people; Good people also think about the long-term return of wine: "Is this good enough? It is because the elderly are flattered that some people are sincere and anxious, dare to hit a person when he is down, and will never live up to the education of the elderly. " When all the drinks are finished, I'll make an appointment again. I'll pick up the appointment. Everyone is in place. I'll leave when I know the appointment. After three lines of wine, you will know the appointment, set a correction, set a pen and ink stone in the north, and Chen corrected the book; Jozan drummed three times and everyone got up. Jozan sang, "Please correct me!" People say, "This is about history." Regarding the history of correcting the position, he threatened: "I heard that someone has done something, but I dare not take it seriously. How about writing to the future? " Covenants spread throughout mass: "How?" Everyone said, "about history, you must see it." The Covenant is that those who typed it have corrected their position and stood in the north. The history of the Covenant has repeatedly said to the public: "If you hear something, please say it!" When people hear it, they will say it. If not, they will say, "I've heard of history!" " Therefore, the long deputy is out of position, and the east and west stand. When the history was finished, the long-term deputy said, "I didn't punish you, but I will correct it quickly!" " Passers-by knelt down and asked, "I dare not confess!" " After drinking, he knelt down and said, "If you don't dare to change quickly, you should worry about the elderly!" Shi Jie, the official and deputy, said, "If you can't persuade me earlier, I will get away with it!" It's all about punishing yourself Passers-by knelt down again and asked, "Some people know the crime, but the elders think it's a punishment, and dare not kill it. If he is allowed to correct himself, he will ask his elders not to drink. It is his blessing! " After drinking, I will punish myself. Mr. and Mrs. Tan said: "If you are brave enough to take responsibility, you can move towards good, and someone can be saved from sin!" It's Shi Jue. Passers-by will worship again, make an appointment with them, get happy, take their places, know that they have retired, correct their seats, and then eat after two lines of wine. After dinner, Jozan, drum three, sang: "Shen Jie!" The crowd stood up and stood in the middle of the hall, threatening: "Alas! Whoever I ask out will clearly listen to the commandments, and no one will distinguish between good and evil; Although people don't know good, they are naturally good over time and can't be hidden; If you don't know how to turn over a new leaf, it will be unforgivable over time. Thankfully, kindness exists and people are showing it today; If you think you are good and rely on yourself, you will go to evil! It is shameful to do evil and be corrected by others; If you can repent your sins and change yourself, you will make this day better! However, good people nowadays can't think well of themselves; And today's evil people are finally evil? Everyone I meet will be encouraged! " Zhong Zhong said, "Be bold. "Is to attend, in the order of things, worship, interest, and then retreat.
Tell your people, Xunzi said: "Peng used to grow up in a marijuana field, without a backer, and naturally he was straight;" White fine sand mixed in black soil will turn black "(in bitter fleabane bitter fleabane, it means living in a good environment and growing healthily). White sand is in the mud, and it is black without being dyed: a metaphor for a good person or a good thing that pollutes the environment will also deteriorate with the pollution of the environment. The good and evil of folk customs have a lot to do with the environment. In the past, some people were not familiar with clan rules, which harmed villagers and caused trouble everywhere, from hooligans to bandits. This is not to say that he was born perfect, and this sin cannot be entirely attributed to him. The government has a greater responsibility and should reflect on the reasons why there is no way to govern and teach. In addition, there is family education. In the family education of these people, parents and parents can't educate and control them in time, and can't effectively guide, support, reward and encourage them. Even they themselves can't get along well with others. When children come into contact with it, they naturally form a very bad attitude and style of life. When you encounter something, you will learn from your family, be angry, be hypocritical and cunning, and gradually enter a bad environment, but you just don't know it. My parents and elders are responsible for this! Well, let bygones be bygones. We should grasp the present. So today I made this rural contract, and I hope you can use this rural contract to build a harmonious society. From today on, you should be filial to your parents, respect your brother, educate your children and grandchildren to be good neighbors, help and encourage each other, be kind, abandon evil thoughts and deeds, go to court less, be honest with others, live in harmony, be a kind people, and create a kind and simple custom. Hey! Even the most stupid person is smart when teaching others; Even a very smart person is stupid and abnormal to reflect on himself. Dear folks, don't turn a blind eye to those who have evil deeds. As long as they have a good idea now, they are good people. Don't be self-righteous, you can't cultivate yourself. Self-righteous, good people will be presumptuous. You know, having evil thoughts is evil. A person has only one idea whether he is good or evil. Please consider my words carefully and pay attention. First of all, the participants in the rural convention should recommend one respected person as the contract leader, and then recommend two as the deputy contract leaders. Then, the three contract leaders will recommend four fair and decisive people, four knowledgeable and discerning people, four honest and capable people and two people familiar with etiquette as contract leaders. The document is divided into three parts: a roster for writing rural conventions and recording daily behaviors, which is the responsibility of Zhiyue; One is to make a good record, and the other is to make a bad record and make an appointment. Second, people who attend the rural conference pay three cents for each meeting, knowing that they need to buy food with sponsorship money, and there is no need to hold a big banquet, just to keep everyone from being hungry at the meeting. Third, the rural convention meeting is scheduled for the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar every month. If someone is sick and can't be present, they should ask for leave in advance. Those who are absent without reason should be included in the list of bad guys, and then be fined one or two pieces of silver for public use. Fourth, the township agreement office should be located in a place with convenient transportation, preferably in the center of a village. The distance between villagers is roughly similar, and the office environment is as spacious and bright as possible. ? Fifth, the words recorded by good deeds should be blatant and exaggerated; The words recorded by the bad guys should be subtle and euphemistic. Kind and honest. Let me give you an example: for example, if someone doesn't care about his brothers and sisters, don't just write that he doesn't care about them. Instead, it says: I heard that XXX is not very kind to his brothers and sisters, so I put it here for verification because I just heard about it. Some people's evil is hard to change, so don't correct it directly and make them feel ashamed. If it causes his malice, he will become angry from embarrassment or even worse. When you meet such a person, a deputy director will come forward to talk to him first. The conversation should be tactful and tortuous, so as to arouse his conscience, recognize his mistakes and observe his performance. If he feels that he is aware of his mistake, even if he refuses to admit it, he should write it down in the book of good deeds. If you find that she is still stubborn, put him on the bad guys' file; If you don't change it, you must pass his evil deeds and resume to the government for the record; Shang Ruo this boy is a bastard, resolutely do not change, that is about to send him to the government, if this has become a climate, there is no arrest, that is about to plan with the government * * * and ask him to kill him. ? Sixth, if anyone who abides by rural customs encounters difficulties, he must solve his problems with others. We can't just sit back and let him fall into evil thoughts and do evil deeds in difficult times. If there is such a person, he is obliged to sue him to the government. In addition, there is family education. In the family education of these people, parents and parents can't educate and control them in time, and can't effectively guide, support, reward and encourage them. Even they themselves can't get along well with others. When children come into contact with it, they naturally form a very bad attitude and style of life. When you encounter something, you will learn from your family, be angry, be hypocritical and cunning, and gradually enter a bad environment, but you just don't know it. My parents and elders are responsible for this matter. Well, let bygones be bygones. We should grasp the present. So today I made this rural contract, and I hope you can use this rural contract to build a harmonious society. From today on, you should be filial to your parents, respect your brother, educate your children and grandchildren to be good neighbors, help and encourage each other, be kind, abandon evil thoughts and deeds, go to court less, be honest with others, live in harmony, be a kind people, and create a kind and simple custom. Hey! Even the most stupid person is smart when teaching others; Even a very smart person is stupid and abnormal to reflect on himself. Dear folks, don't turn a blind eye to those who have evil deeds. As long as they have a good idea now, they are good people. Don't be self-righteous, you can't cultivate yourself. Self-righteous, good people will be presumptuous. You know, having evil thoughts is evil. A person has only one idea whether he is good or evil. Please consider my words carefully and pay attention. First of all, the participants in the rural convention should recommend one respected person as the contract leader, and then recommend two as the deputy contract leaders. Then, the three contract leaders will recommend four fair and decisive people, four knowledgeable and discerning people, four honest and capable people and two people familiar with etiquette as contract leaders. The document is divided into three parts: a roster for writing rural conventions and recording daily behaviors, which is the responsibility of Zhiyue; One is to make a good record, and the other is to make a bad record and make an appointment. Second, people who attend the rural conference pay three cents for each meeting, knowing that they need to buy food with sponsorship money, and there is no need to hold a big banquet, just to keep everyone from being hungry at the meeting. Third, the rural convention meeting is scheduled for the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar every month. If someone is sick and can't be present, they should ask for leave in advance. Those who are absent without reason should be included in the list of bad guys, and then be fined one or two pieces of silver for public use. Fourth, the township agreement office should be located in a place with convenient transportation, preferably in the center of a village. The distance between villagers is roughly similar, and the office environment is as spacious and bright as possible. Fifth, the words recorded by good deeds should be blatant and exaggerated; The words recorded by the bad guys should be subtle and euphemistic. Kind and honest. Let me give you an example: for example, if someone doesn't care about his brothers and sisters, don't just write that he doesn't care about them. Instead, it says: I heard that XXX is not very kind to his brothers and sisters, so I put it here for verification because I just heard about it. Some people's evil is hard to change, so don't correct it directly and make them feel ashamed. If it causes his malice, he will become angry from embarrassment or even worse. When you meet such a person, a deputy director will come forward to talk to him first. The conversation should be tactful and tortuous, so as to arouse his conscience, recognize his mistakes and observe his performance. If he feels that he is aware of his mistake, even if he refuses to admit it, he should write it down in the book of good deeds. If you find that she is still stubborn, put him on the bad guys' file; If you don't change it, you must pass his evil deeds and resume to the government for the record; Shang Ruo this boy is a bastard, resolutely do not change, that is about to send him to the government, if this has become a climate, there is no arrest, that is about to plan with the government * * * and ask him to kill him. Sixth, people who abide by rural conventions must solve their problems with others when they encounter difficulties, and they cannot sit idly by and let them fall into evil thoughts and do evil things when they are in difficulties. If there is such a person, it's up to leaders like Yue Chang. Seventh, many strong men buy land outside their native places, and when the government collects grain taxes and servants, they often hide back to their native places, which often causes losses to the government; In the future, the contract manager will persuade these people to return to their original places after paying taxes. If he still sticks to his old habits and makes the same mistakes, he will sue the officials for punishment and take back their land. ? Eighth, all local large-scale usurers and foreign merchants who receive interest shall be treated according to the old rules, but not according to compound interest; If there is really no repayment ability, the creditor shall be allowed to relax the repayment period; If someone still wants to forcibly collect money, occupy other people's fields and make their lives worse than death, they should cooperate with the government to bring such people to justice. If this happens again in the future, you should tell it the truth and persuade it to relax the deadline if it is repaid in full; Overcharged should be recovered and returned to the people; If the bully doesn't listen to the advice, he should lead the people who have an agreement to report to the government and bring them to justice. Ninth, there are disputes between villagers because of a little incident, which even leads to a catastrophe that affects people's lives. Before you have a conflict with others in the future, you must make an appointment to discuss right and wrong. Don't judge according to the contract, try to be brave and heartless without authorization. The appointment has the right to lead the people and escort them to the government. Tenth, if there are people in the army, ordinary people, etc. Seemingly kind, in fact, some people secretly contact bandits, sell cattle and horses, inform bandits to seek profits, harm others and harm themselves, and have the right to appoint (those who agree to appoint) to educate them. Those who teach but do not change will be turned over to the government for handling. Eleventh, any government official who goes to the grass-roots level, engages in malpractices for personal gain and seeks personal gain from the public has the right to hand him over to the government for punishment. Twelfth, before the rural convention, some people bullied others and occupied their land. Now that they're back, everyone can't hold a grudge. If these people still refuse to change their mind, they still have the right to give it to the government. Thirteenth, it is a good idea for a reformed thief to turn over a new leaf, but it doesn't mean that his past sins can be written off. You should work hard, deny yourself, blame yourself, intensify your efforts to turn over a new leaf, and work hard with your heart. Never break a jar just because you were a thief. Make an appointment with such a person and talk often. If you find these people relapse, you should immediately report to the authorities and accept punishment. Fourteenth, both men and women should get married when they reach marriageable age. Don't worry about dowry and bride price. Some people should tell men and women who have reached marriageable age that they should get married at once, regardless of their family circumstances. Fifth, regarding the funeral, we should do what we can, and we should not spend all our money, throw a big banquet, or make a big fuss about Buddhism. What are the benefits of these superficial articles to the deceased? If you want to tell everyone, just follow the basic funeral etiquette. If anyone still makes a fuss about the funeral, put him in the bad guys' file and mark him as unfilial. Sixteenth, the day before the date in the countryside, we should first arrange the meeting room, clean it up in advance, put tables and chairs, set up bulletin boards, and put the incense tables north and south. On the day of the meeting, after all the villagers had to attend the meeting, Jozan drummed three times, and everyone stood in front of the incense table in an orderly manner, kneeling with their faces facing north and their backs facing south to listen to Jojo's reading. After Jojo finished reading the imperial edict, Jojo and the generals said loudly: From now on, everyone who is with Jojo will only listen to words and deeds, be virtuous and be kind together; If you have two or three hearts, God will punish those who love yang and hate yin. Everyone should say with one voice, "If you have two or three minds, the gods will punish those who are good at Yang and evil at Yin." Then everyone bowed again, walked out of the clubhouse in order, stood up separately, and after reading the township agreement, said loudly, "All our allies must abide by the township agreement." Everyone will say, "Yes." After the people standing in the east and west have finished worshipping each other, they will take their places in turn. Young people pour wine for old people. At this time, when they know it, they will take out a record of good deeds and place pens and inkstones in the south to praise the three drums. Everyone must stand up. Jozan sang "One Man Does Good", and everyone replied: "It's about history". Josh went to the record of good deeds and shouted, "Some people have some goodness, and some people can change things. Please write a book to persuade them. " Regarding asking everyone "how", everyone replied "It's right about history." At about this time, the protagonists in the book of good deeds were invited to salute them and let them stand in their prepared positions. These people also stood in different places and said to everyone, "I only know these people." You can give a few more good deeds. If everyone knows good deeds, they will be cited. " If not, they will say, "What history has done is right!" At this time, the contract leaders all stood in their positions. After the contract history was written, the contract leaders raised their glasses and said, "If someone can do good things and someone can change things, he can repair his body." A certain person can make a certain ethnic group better, change a certain one, and bring family together; If everyone is like this, what is the custom? If I make an appointment, I'll take it as law! "Then, the doer pours wine to thank the elder:" Is this good enough? It's a compliment from the elders. Some people are sincere, embarrassed, dare to insult their injuries, and never fail to teach their elders. "After the two sides have finished drinking, the people who do good deeds will make an appointment again, and the people who have made an appointment will pick it up, and then they will take their positions and know that the people who have made an appointment are fired. After three rounds of drinking, everyone stood up, placed corrected seats on the steps, placed pens and inkstones in the north, and placed records of bad people and bad things. Jozan drummed three times and everyone stood up. Jozan said, "Please correct me." Everyone said, "Please make an appointment for history." Jozan reached the corrected position and said loudly, "I heard that someone did something, but I dare not take it for granted." How about learning so that I can draw in the future? " About asking everyone: "How?" Everyone said, "It's absolutely true about history or something. "It is about inviting people who have done bad things to correct themselves and face the north. About history once again asks everyone:" You have heard enough, please say it! When they knew again, they said, if they didn't know, they said, "Josh is right. "As a result, the contract leaders all went in and corrected their mistakes, and stood far away. When the contract history was finished, the contract leaders said to the bad guys," Although I didn't punish you, I will quickly correct it! "The villain knelt down and said," I dare not plead guilty. " He poured the wine and knelt down and said, "If you don't dare to change it quickly, you should worry about the old man!" " You zheng, your deputy, and your stone said with one voice, "If you can't convince me earlier, you will be innocent! "Then pour the wine and punish yourself. The villain knelt down again and said, "Some people know the crime, but the elders think it's a punishment. If anyone dares to change himself, he will be killed. If he is allowed to change himself, he will ask his elders not to drink. What a blessing! "Then pour wine and punish yourself. Both vice principals said, "If a son can take the blame bravely, he can go to good, and some of them can be saved from sin!" " So the bad guy bowed again, and everyone pulled him up, made an appointment to bow, and everyone took their positions, knowing that the corrected seat would be removed, the wine would be drunk twice, and the meal would be served. After dinner, Jozan stood up, drummed three times, and said in a long voice, "Shen Jie". Everyone stood up, about the dragon standing in the middle, loudly say: "alas! Whoever I ask out will clearly listen to the commandments, and no one will distinguish between good and evil; Although people don't know good, they are naturally good over time and can't be hidden; If you don't know how to turn over a new leaf, it will be unforgivable over time. Thankfully, kindness exists and people are showing it today; If you think you are good and rely on yourself, you will go to evil! It is shameful to do evil and be corrected by others; If you can repent your sins and change yourself, you will make this day better! However, good people nowadays can't think well of themselves; And today's evil people are finally evil? Everyone I meet will be encouraged! " Zhong Zhong said, "Be bold. "I attended, followed by things, worshipped each other, and then dispersed.