Shuo Wen Jie Zi Bu, Shan Hai Jing, Ge Gui Lun, Gu Yun, Gui Xie Shuo, Gui Archaeological Map, Gu Yun, Li San Tu and Compendium of Materia Medica.
2. Song people either got jade, Song people got jade and offered scholars. Zi Hanfu suffered (3). The jade giver 13 said, "Show it to the jade giver, and the jade giver will think it is a treasure before offering it." Zi Han said, "What I value is not greed, but jade. If you value me, you will lose your wealth. If people have their treasures, attending. " He bowed his head and said to me, "I am a villain and I can't cross the country, so I beg for death."
A man in the State of Song got a piece of jade and gave it to Zi Han. Zi Han refused to accept it, and the person who offered the jade said, "(I) showed it to the jade carver, and he thought it was a treasure before he dared to give it to you." Zi Han said, "I think not being greedy is a kind of wealth, and you think jade is a kind of wealth. If you give it to me, both of us will lose the treasure. It is best for everyone to have their own treasure. "
3. Zi Han speaks in classical Chinese or: someone;
Zhu: The chorus. "Dedicated to Zi Han" means "dedicated to Zi Han", which means to dedicate jade to Zi Han;
A man in the State of Song got a piece of jade and gave it to Zi Han. Zi Han refused to accept it. The person who sent the jade said, "(I have) shown it to the jade craftsman, who thinks it is a treasure, so (I) dare to give it to you."
Zi Han said: "I regard greed as a treasure, and you regard jade as a treasure;" If (this jade) is given to me, (both of us) will lose the treasure. Each of us should take good care of our wealth. "
The Jade Man knelt on the ground and told Zi Han, "I can't cross the village safely with this jade. If I give it to you, I can avoid being killed on my way home. "
So Zi Han put the jade sender in his residence, asked a jade worker to carve it into a treasure jade for him, sold it, and let him return to his hometown after he became rich.