Liu Xiang is the grandson of King Jiao Liu IV of Chu Yuan. When he proclaimed himself emperor, he advised the doctor. When he was in Yuan Di, he served as Zong Zheng. Because he opposed eunuch Gong Hong's beheading of Liu Xiang.
Shi Xian was imprisoned and he was released. Later, because he opposed Gong Xian's imprisonment, he was exempted from being Shu Ren. When he became emperor, he became a doctor and changed his name to Xiang. He was ordered to lead the school secretary and write Bielu, the originator of China Bibliography. According to Hanshu, Yi Tong has the Five Classics Collection written by Ma Guohan in Qing Dynasty. The original collection has been lost. Liu Ji in Ming Dynasty is a collection of poems in the style of "Chu Ci" compiled by Liu Xiang on the basis of predecessors. It has been included in the works of Qu Yuan, Song Yu, Chu People in the Warring States, Jia Yi, Xiaoshan, Wang Bao and Zhuang Ji in Huainan.
Liu Xiang experienced Xuan Di, Yuan Di and became an imperial dynasty. He has successively served as a doctor to remonstrate with the horse, a doctor to Zong Zheng, and a doctor to Guanglu. He wrote many times that he would bring trouble to the body and impeach the eunuch's consorts. When he became emperor, he was ordered to proofread books for nearly 20 years, and his unfinished business was continued by his son Liu Xin. The official eventually became a captain, so he was also called Liu. Liu Xiangdian's ancient books mainly include classics, philosophers and poems. When he was proofreading, he wrote Bielu, the earliest bibliography work in China. The original book has been lost. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Gu became the history of Chinese literature and art because of the seven mouths, from which we can see the outline of the seven mouths. According to the Records of History of Literature and Art, Liu Yisheng wrote 33 poems, but there is only one "Nine Sighs" in Chu Ci. His main feature is that the debate is smooth and simple. In addition, he also compiled three collections of historical stories, New Preface, Shuoyuan and Biography of Ancient Lienv, which were the first novels in Wei and Jin Dynasties. Liu Ji, compiled by Zhang Hui in Ming Dynasty, is included in 130 pieces of Records of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties.