Zhong Kui, whose name is Zhong Mingkui, is from ancient Zhong Nanshan. He was born in Gansu and lived in spring. He is proficient in martial arts, well-trained, leopard-headed, leopard-eyed, ferocious, knowledgeable, upright, not afraid of evil, honest with others, not as good as the first prize in scientific research, to protect the country and defend the country.
Zhong Kui, the "blessed saint" in the traditional culture of China, is the only cosmic god among the traditional gods. Hanging and posting Zhong Kui paintings is one of the important contents of Dragon Boat Festival and Spring Festival in many areas of China. This custom has been very popular since the Tang Dynasty, including many places with Chinese in the world.
The best place to hang and place Zhong Kui's paintings (picture):
1. On New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, the portrait of Zhong Kui, the doorman, is usually hung or pasted outside the gate and the inner and outer doors. Generally, one can be posted on each door and two can be posted on both doors. Spring Festival couplets should also be posted on the door, and horizontal comments should be posted on the top of the door.
2. The portrait of Zhong Kui hanging at home is generally on the inside of the entrance door or at a reasonable position of the entrance door; The middle hall of the living room; The position of the living room facing the window; The main position in the restaurant; Other positions that need to be blessed when facing suffocation; If the Zhong Kui table sweetmeats are arranged, they should be placed according to the right god; Kitchen, bathroom, storage room, etc. , it is generally not appropriate to hang Zhong Kui's portrait.
3. The portrait of Zhong Kui hung by the government and units is generally on the inside of the entrance door or at a reasonable position of the entrance door; The main location of the hall; A prominent position in the office or a position facing customers; The top and sides of the aisle; Other positions that need to be blessed when facing suffocation; If the incense table is arranged, it should be placed in a quiet and clean place according to the god.
4. Stores, factories and mines hang the statue of Zhong Kui, which is generally in a reasonable position at the entrance or the inside of the entrance; Other positions that need to be blessed when facing suffocation; If the incense table is arranged, it should be placed in a quiet and clean place according to the god.
5. When celebrating festivals or jumping in the Zhong Kui, the portrait of Zhong Kui should be hung in the most important position, and the incense table should be arranged.
6. It is advisable to hang the portrait of Zhong Kui on the vehicle, one in front and one in the back.
7. Wear Zhong Kui's portrait with you, such as Yu Pei and metal ornaments, and usually hang it on your chest or belt. Others tattoo Zhong Kui's portrait directly on your body. Women usually put the portrait of Zhong Kui in the left pocket of a handbag or coat, and pregnant women can also wear it beside their bodies.
8. During the Dragon Boat Festival, Zhong Kui's portrait can be hung in many places to bless the town house and cut off the five poisons.
Special note: Please select the Zhong Kui image with corresponding material and size according to the hanging position.