In 14.36, Gong Boliao went to Ji Sun's house. Confucius obeyed Jing Bo and told him, "Master, I have always been confused and determined in Gong Bo's house, but my strength is still able to wreak havoc in the city." Confucius said: "When the Tao is about to be carried out, it is also the destiny. When the Tao is about to be abolished, it is also about it. It’s fate. How is Gong Bo Liao’s fate?”
▲Gong Bo Liao [liáo]: Gong Bo’s family name is Liao ("Historical Records: Biography of Zhongni’s Disciples") (For "Liao", one for "Liao"), the courtesy name is Zizhou. In the late Spring and Autumn Period, he was a native of Lu and served as a retainer of the Ji family together with Zilu.
"Historical Records: Biography of Zhongni's Disciples" lists Gongboliao as a disciple of Confucius, and ranks twenty-fourth. "Historical Records Suoyin" quoted Qiao Zhou Yun: "Confucius did not blame Gongbo Liao for being a slanderer, but said, 'What is his fate?' This is not like his disciples, and Taishi is wrong." Cheng Shude's "Analects of Confucius" by Cheng Shude "quoted "The Analects of Confucius" and said: "Liao and Ziqin have the same ears." I said this is like Xing Shu of Chengmen (Xing Shu studied under Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi. He is the kind of person who does not hesitate to use any means to achieve his goals. He is classified as a traitor. (Biography), it is okay to reduce it to worship, but it is wrong to think that "Historical Records" is wrong.
▲愬[sù]: Same as "suing".
▲Zifu Jingbo: Zifu Jingbo, also known as Zifu He, was a senior official of the Lu State in the Spring and Autumn Period of China. A member of the Mengsun clan, a contemporary of Meng Yizi (a disciple of Confucius).
"Shiben" records the Zifu clan: Meng Xianzi gave birth to a son named Fu Xiaobo (Zhongsun Tuo, posthumous title Xiao, Xiaobo, courtesy name Zifu), who later became the Zifu clan. Xiaobo begets Huibo, Huibo begets Zhaobo, and Zhaobo begets Jingbo. Jing is a posthumous title.
▲Master: refers to Ji Sun.
▲Huozhi: refers to suspicion and confusion.
▲4: In ancient times, people were sentenced to death and their bodies exposed to the public. "Zhou Li·Qiu Guan·Zhang Slaughter": "Anyone who kills someone should go to various cities and wait for three days." In the Zhou system for killing people, there is a method of laying out the corpse for three days. city.
Gong Boliao slandered Zi Lu in front of Ji Sun. Zifu Jingbo told Confucius about this and said: "Although Ji Sun has been deceived by Gong Bo Liao, I still have the power to kill Gong Bo Liao and display his body in the street." Confucius said: "If the Tao can To carry out this is destiny; if Tao is to be abolished, it is also destiny. What can Gong Bo Liao do about destiny? It is destiny, which can be regarded as the law of development of all things, and can also be understood as "trend". The trend of the general trend, the trend of the general trend of the world, cannot be changed by human power (Chen Liang's "The Third Book of Emperor Xiaozong"), Confucius Whether the Tao is practiced or abandoned is affected by the development trend of the entire society, and the personal influence is insignificant.
Confucius knew the destiny of heaven when he was only fifty years old. Through studying and studying, he understood the development laws of objective things and the general trend of the world. Zilu said: "If the Tao is not possible, you already know it." In order to change the worldly problems and turn the unruly into the Tao, Confucius "knows that it is impossible and does it." Confucius' disciples were influenced by this, so they said, " How can we abolish the righteousness of the ruler and his ministers? If you want to clean up your body, you will disturb the moral order of the gentleman."
"Zi" "Han Pian" 9.1 Zihan talks about profit, destiny, and benevolence.
Also, what should Kuang people do? "
"Xian Wen Chapter" 14.32 Wei Shengmu said to Confucius: "What is Qiu Qi? Is it a treacherous thing?" Confucius said: " You don't dare to be a sycophant, but you are sick." "Xian Wen Chapter" 14.35 Confucius said: "I don't know you!" Zi Gong said: "Why don't you know me?" Confucius said: "Don't complain about heaven, don't blame others; go down to study and go up to achieve enlightenment. He who knows me is like heaven!"
"Xian Wen Pian" 14.38 Zi Lu stayed at Shimen. Chenmen said: "Xi Zi?" Zilu said: "From Kong." "Is it someone who knows it is impossible and does it?" Beasts cannot be in the same group. Who can be with me if I am not a disciple of this man? There is a way in the world, and Qiu does not follow Yi." "Weizi Chapter" 18.7 Zilu said: "There is no righteousness if you are not an official. The relationship between elders and children cannot be abolished. How can we abolish the righteousness of the ruler and his ministers? If you want to clean up your body, you will disturb the moral order of a gentleman.