The method is to use indica rice, not limited to morning and evening. The pestle is extremely thin. If it is soaked in water for one or seven days and smells bad, then take it into a long-flowing river and float it away. After bleaching, the stench is still insoluble, and the steamed rice is put into the retort and transformed into aroma, which is very fragrant. This kind of place where rice is steamed into rice is not cooked for half a day on the first day. Take it out of the pot, steam it in cold water and air. It's very cooked. When it is ripe, a few stones pile up into a pile of mixed letters.
Every time Quxin is used as raw material, every time it is not good, add three liters of Polygonum hydropiper natural juice and mix it with alum. One stone for each song and two pounds for each letter. When the meal was hot, several people mixed it, and it was cold at first. When the song is in the meal, I will believe it after a long time. After the rice and the letter are mixed, pour them into the basket, soak them in alum water once, then spread them into the plate and climb the frame to ride the wind. After that, the wind is the power and the fire and water are the reactive power (3).
Each dish of koji rice contains about five liters. Its room should be high to prevent the hot air from invading the tiles in summer. The surface of the room should face south to prevent the sun from shining in from the west. Stir about three times in an hour. For seven days, the people waiting for the doctor sat under the tray frame and dared not sleep, counting from midnight to midnight. It was white at first, but it turned black after a day or two. Black turns brown, brown turns ochre, ochre turns red, and red pole turns pale yellow. Witness the change of wind, which is called the birth of Huangqu, and its price and material force (4) are twice as high as those of numerous songs. Where black turns brown and brown turns red, they all pass through the water once. Red is no longer in the water.
No matter who makes this thing, the bender will wash his hands and dishes, which is extremely clean. A little bit of my filth, then defeat is also a thing. Qu Dan (1) is selected from "Tiangong Kaiwu Quba": today's monascus, a kind of monascus cultivated with rice.
(2) mixing letters: mixing songs.
(3) Wind power is king, and water and fire are useless: air drying is the main method, and water and fire processing is no longer used.
(4) the power of input: the power of input into production. There is a kind of red rice, and its production method was only developed in modern times. Its function lies in "turning decay into magic", and its cleverness lies in using the changes of air and white rice. In nature, fish and meat are the most perishable things, but as long as the red yeast is coated with a thin layer, it can keep its original appearance even in hot summer, and maggots and flies dare not get close for ten days, and its color and taste can remain unchanged. This is really a good medicine!
Redmi is made of indica rice, which can be used in the morning and evening. Rice should be washed very clean and white and soaked in water for seven days. At that time, the taste was really stinky. At this time, it should be washed with flowing river water (mountain streams must be used, but rivers cannot be used). After washing, the smell cannot be completely eliminated. If rice is steamed into rice, it will become fragrant. When steaming rice, first steam the rice until it is half cooked, then take it out of the pot, pour it with cold water once, and then steam it until it is cooked. After steaming a few stones of rice in this way, pile them together and mix them into koji.
The raw material of koji seed must use the best red distiller's grains. Add three liters of Polygonum hydropiper juice to each barrel of distiller's grains, then add alum water and mix well. Add two kilograms of sake koji to each stone of rice. When the cooked rice is hot, several people stir quickly together, from hot rice to cold rice. Then pay attention to the interaction between koji and rice. After a period of time, the temperature of the rice will gradually increase again, which shows that the koji has worked. After mixing rice with distiller's yeast seeds, pour them into the laundry basket, drench them with alum water once, then put them in a tray alone and put them on a shelf for ventilation. After that, ventilation is the main thing, and fire and water are of little use.
When sake rice is put into rice plates, each rice plate is loaded with about five liters. The house where these koji rice are placed should be tall and spacious to prevent hot air from invading the roof tiles. The house should face south to prevent the sun from coming out in the west. About three times every two hours. People who observe Qu Fan must stay under the shelf day and night for seven days, and can't fall asleep, even in the middle of the night, they have to get up several times. Jiuqu rice should be white at first glance, and it will turn black in a day or two. In the future, the color will continue to change, from black to brown, from brown to ochre, from ochre to red, and when it is the most red, it will turn back to light yellow. This series of color changes seen during ventilation is called "yellow song". The value and efficacy of the monascus made in this way are several times higher than those of ordinary monascus. When black turns brown and brown turns red, water it once. You don't need to add water when it turns red.
When making this kind of red koji, you must wash the koji, dishes and bamboo mats very clean. As long as there is a little dregs and dirt, it will make the work of making monascus fail. Song (1587 ~ 166 1) was born in Pailou Village, Songbu Town, Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province. Scientists in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Forty-three years of Wanli (A.D. 16 15), I took the senior high school entrance examination twice. However, the next five attempts to go to Beijing failed. After five treks, he learned a lot. He said, "In Wan Li, you can't smell anything." . He found a lot of production knowledge in the fields and workshops. He despises "dude" and "home of literati" who "know their taste but forget their roots". During his tenure as Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Fenyi County, Jiangxi Province (1638~ 1654), he wrote "Tiangong Wu Kai".
Describing this situation in the preface, he said, "What a pity! Want to buy strange research, but want to attract colleagues by asking for money. Business is a little fake and true, but I lack the Chen Si Museum. " (I don't have the money to verify, and I don't have the space to discuss the authenticity with people), so I have to "cook the lamp (prepare grass)" and write a book day and night, but "a great scholar, abandon his desk, this book has nothing to do with the progress of fame." In the seventh year of Chongzhen (AD 1634), he served as an instructor in Fenyi County, Jiangxi Province. During this period, he summed up his long-term accumulated knowledge of production technology and compiled a book "Tiangong Wu Kai", which was published in the tenth year of Chongzhen (AD 1637) with the support of his good friend Tu Shaozhuo. Later, he was an official in Tingzhou (now Changting County, Fujian Province) and a magistrate in Bozhou (now Bozhou, Anhui Province). After the death of the Ming Dynasty, as a survivor of the Ming Dynasty, he died in the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty (AD 166 1 year or so). Song Yisheng emphasized practical learning and opposed the attitude of literati who despised production.