I want to learn Yi Jin Jing, how can I learn it (self-study)

It depends on your purpose of studying Yi Jin Jing. If it is just to strengthen your body, then you should go online to find videos and information. There are many versions of Yi Jin Jing. It is said that Shaolin Temple has more than 60 versions of Yi Jin Jing. Currently, the most commonly practiced versions include Twelve Postures to Yijin, Zhou version of Yijin and Xiong's Yijin. If you just want to keep fit, I recommend the Chinese version of the Twelve Posture Yi Jin Jing, which is easy to learn and simple to follow, and not prone to deviations. If you come up with a so-called magical skill, it will take some effort. Generally, it is difficult to achieve the effect without the guidance of a master, and it is not recommended to try it. If you are self-study, I personally think that you should first study the Chinese version of the I Ching and start from the basics. After practicing for many years, you can then summarize and refer to various versions of the I Ching and practice, and you may gain something. The experience of practicing Kung Fu from all seniors is that persistence is the key to practicing Kung Fu.