The origin of Zhou Li is divided into six officials: heaven, earth, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Qiu Guan, who is in charge of the prison, is headed by a shepherd, and is subordinate to judges, stingers, cops, pedestrians and pedestrians. In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, six officials were appointed according to the Book of Rites, and the autumn government was established. The chief official was Si Kouqing, who had seven lives. Five middle school doctors, namely Sixian, Criminal Department, Household Department, Household Department and Binbu, doctors from Juck Zhang and Li Si, and officials subordinate to all doctors. In the first year of Tang Guangfu (684), the punishments were changed to Qiu Guan, and the ministers of punishments were Qiu Guan. The first year of Shenlong (705) was renamed. Later, Qiu Guan became the general name of punishments.
The functional criminal department is responsible for the legal affairs of the whole country, manages local appeal cases, examines major local cases and serious cases in Beijing, and hears cases of illegal crimes committed by central officials.