Interpretation of ancient books: Second, Chinese characters. There are two parts of speech: nouns and verbs. Kangxi Dictionary, You Ji, Bei Zibu, Tang Yun, Ji Yun, Yun Hui and Zheng Yun are all in tune. Shuowen is also beneficial. There are men and women in Zhou Guanshu. Empresses in the Palace is the second mate and the third mate.
"Zhou Li Tian Guan Xiao Zai" is the second of the six national codes and eight regulations. "Note" two, vice also. Etiquette and Etiquette has two styles. "Watch out" for two cars, the second car. And the second one. There are two bottles in a hexagram. "Attention" is a bottle of wine and two bottles of food. Although "Li Quli" did not leave. "Attention" two, that is, heavy food, heavy rice.
Dialect set:
Northeast dialect, often used to describe stupid people or things, has a unique meaning in spoken language.
Shaanxi dialect is often used to describe a person who does things without thinking, such as "two cowards and two hammers", or to describe his psychological state when he hears amazing and incomprehensible remarks, such as "I am two."
Tianjin dialect, a derogatory term. Often used to describe stupid, mentally retarded people. Mostly used to make fun of each other (there are many jokes).
For example: 1. In math class, the teacher asked, "Have you done all the problems? What is the answer? " Classmate: "Two!" Teacher: "I think you are only' two'!" This question is wrong. How stupid you are! "
2. In math class, the teacher asked, "Have you done all the questions? What is this set of demands? " Classmate: "One, two, four!" Teacher: "What are you thinking about day by day? When you solve a problem, you must take yourself with you. Where is' two', there are only' one' and' four'! "
The extended meaning of 3.250 means don't know, don't understand, don't understand, don't know, don't know.