The emperor wants to attack Xifan, and his city is in danger of leaning on the mountain. Ask Baoyu what to do. He said: "It is not advisable to make its city in the sky. If you are not in the sky, take it. " Diqiang, grant a copy of Madu Town. Gui You seized Yongqing from Muqali, broke Gaozhou, and fell to Jinglongshan. Fu Shuai copied horses from Jinzhou to Yannan and attacked Taiyuan and Pingyang counties. From the emperor, begging for qidan survivors, through the ancient ghost country, more than 300 thousand soldiers were destroyed. Baoyu was shot with an arrow in his chest, and the emperor ordered him to cut open the cow's belly and put it in. In a short time, it was Sue. Find someone who will resume the war, and don't lose 80 miles, and don't lose Lanzhou and other cities. When crossing the river suddenly, westerners lined up in two lines to meet the rejection, and the situation was fierce. Baoyu glanced at the crowd and shouted, "The Western Front is gone!" If his soldiers leave, they will kill him several times. When you enter the army, you are willing to succeed. During the second attack on the Harmony River, the enemy built more than ten fortifications. In the middle of the Chenchuan River, waves broke out in Russia. Baoyu made an angry arrow and shot it at his ship. For a while, he dragged on the fire, and for a while, he pushed on, broke 50,000 revetment soldiers, beheaded General Zuo Li, and then slaughtered the fortifications and took over four cities in Mali. Sins, Foucault's country is just a country full of hardships. He led his troops to do what he wanted. Hearing that the emperor was coming, he abandoned the south of the city, entered the iron gate, camped on the snowy mountain, and Baoyu chased him and ran to India. When the emperor was stationed in front of the big snow mountain, the snow in the valley was two feet deep, and Baoyu asked him to seal the mountain gods. In March, Kunlun Mountain was named King of Xuan Ji, and Dayanchi was named King of Huiji. From the pioneers of Zhebai and Subutai, he received contributions from countries such as Qidan and Bohai, moved to his official position, and died in Helan Mountain.