Warring States policy? There is a story in Wei Ce that Long Yangjun went fishing with Wang Wei one day, because Long Yangjun was worried that the king of Wei would be attracted by other beautiful women one day, and he was secretly sad. In order to appease Long Yangjun, Wang Wei solemnly issued an order not to allow subordinate officials to offer him beautiful women. It can be seen that Wang Wei has deep feelings for Long Yangjun. This is the origin of "the goodness of Longyang".
Among them, the touching love story between Chen Wendi, Chen Gang and Han Zigao is the most touching one for later generations. Han Zigao's real name is Man Zi, and he is a very handsome man. His beauty is not enchanting, but handsome. At the age of 16, Man Zi met Chen Baxian's nephew Chen Gang, later Chen Wendi. Chen Zhuan fell in love with him at first sight. From then on, Han Zigao followed Chen Gang, and Chen Gang taught him to read and write, the art of war, fencing and shooting. Later, Man Zi was renamed "Han Zigao".
Later, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper. Chen Gang told Han Zigao that if he became emperor in the future, he would definitely make Han Zigao queen. This is the first time in the history of our country that a "male queen" appeared. Later, when Chen Gang became emperor, he decided to keep his promise. However, there was opposition above the court, and under the obstruction of all parties, the title of Queen Han Zigao was finally not realized. But in Chen Gang's heart, Han Zigao will always be the only one, and Han Zigao will always be the queen in his heart.