The elder scrolls 5: The horizon calls for biological translation.

Bound Sword-Summons a sword for 120 seconds, which can be used to disperse.

Summon familiar-Summon a dog for 60 seconds.

Resurrection zombie-the lowest level of resurrection zombie, lasting 60 seconds.

Bound tomahawk-same sword, lasting 120 seconds.

Summon the flame Atrona-Summon the spirit of fire for 60 seconds.

Summon the storm Atrona-Summon the spirit of the storm for 60 seconds.

Summon the ice spirit for 60 seconds.

Resurrect the corpse-summon zombies for 60 seconds.

Soul trap-Soul trap, charge the Soul Stone for 60 seconds.

Exile Dadela-low-level summoning creature exile

Bow of bondage-Summons a bow for 120 seconds.

Revenant-Summon Zombies, Advanced Edition 60 seconds.

Creatures that control summoning and resurrection.

Summons the demon Lord for 60 seconds.

Dream Zombies-Super Edition Resurrect Zombies for 60 seconds

Deportation of Dedera-Senior Exile

Death sal-resurrect a dead person and fight for you forever. Can only be used for humanoid creatures, the ultimate meaning of coming back from the dead (forming a beautiful army @ @).

Fire slave-permanently summons a fire spirit.

Frost sal-always summon an ice elf.

Storm slave-permanently summons a storm elf.

Burning familiar-summons a burning spirit beast to rush at the enemy and explode.

Summon Agnel Shadow-Summon Agnel Shadow for 60 seconds.

Summon the unbound Deremora-Summon an uncontrolled demon (possibly a task).