Sri Lanka IFRC Post-disaster Community Center

The Sri Lankan IFRC Community Center, designed by Chinthaka Wickramage Associates, provides a public space for the communities affected by the 2004 tsunami in Thalalla, South China. It is located next to a Buddhist temple and donated by international humanitarian organizations and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Due to the limited budget, this community center is a cost-saving building, which is flexible and convenient for future expansion, such as adding a wooden platform as high as a church in the atrium. Sri Lanka IFRC post-disaster community center Sri Lanka IFRC post-disaster community center

Sri Lanka IFRC Community Center Sri Lanka IFRC Community Center Sri Lanka IFRC Community Center

The outer wall is made of masonry, and the sloping roof is built of painted boards.

The reinforced concrete beams and columns are not decorated, which not only saves the cost, but also adds some natural and simple flavor. The doors inside the building are brightly colored, in contrast to the surrounding relatively gloomy environment. It is also placed on concrete piles like traditional buildings, and the glass windows of wooden frames are opened and closed by upper and lower fulcrums. The community center has a reading room, a library, public toilets and a conference hall. It can be used as a Buddhist school or as a place for Sunday sermons. This functional flexibility enables it to serve various public organizations well.