Is there a requirement for the format of references for graduation thesis?

The format requirements of graduation thesis references are usually different according to the requirements of schools or tutors. The following are the general format requirements for references:

Citation and annotation: When citing references, brackets and Arabic numerals are required for annotation, such as [1] and [2]. Comments should be placed at the end of the quoted content and before the period.

List of references: list the references at the end of the article and number them according to the citation order. The list should be arranged according to a specific reference format.

The citation format of periodical articles should include the initials of the author's surname and first name, year, article title, periodical name, volume number and page number. For example: Wang Xiaoming. (2022). Application of information technology in education. Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 34-45.

Book citation format: it should include the initials of the author's surname and first name, year, title, place of publication and publishing house. For example: Zhang Li. (2020) Educational Psychology. Beijing: Peking University Publishing House.

Citation format of dissertations: it should include the initials of the author's surname and first name, year, thesis title, degree type and school name. For example: Li Hua. (2023). Research on the influence of information technology on students' learning effect (master's degree thesis). Peking University.

When quoting foreign documents, we should pay attention to the original text and indicate the language and source of the documents. For example: Smith, J. (202 1). The influence of technology on students' participation in higher education. Journal of Educational Technology, 12 (3), 45-56.

In addition, there are some other format requirements to pay attention to:

References need to be written in Times New Roman or other designated fonts.

Appropriate indentation or hanging indent is required between each citation in the reference list.

The cited references should be true, and avoid quoting false or unreliable documents.

The cited references should be related to their own research contents, and avoid quoting irrelevant documents.

The cited references should be published publicly, and avoid quoting unpublished or unauthorized documents.

Finally, in order to ensure the accuracy and standardization of quotations, it is suggested that the format requirements of references provided by schools or tutors should always be followed in the writing process, and the references should be carefully checked and proofread after completion.