What's the difference between copy paper and plain paper?
Copy paper has the following characteristics, which are different from ordinary paper: First, the whiteness of copy paper should be visually comfortable. Too white paper is harmful to eye health because too much luminescent agent is added. Second, the water content of copy paper should be low, generally around 5%. Generally, the water content of acid printing paper is as high as 8~ 10%, and the copy paper cut with acid printing paper has high water content, insufficient density, too soft paper, easy to jam, and generates acid steam at high temperature, which is harmful to human body. Paper jam, unclear printing, much dust on the fuselage, abnormal paper output and many paper tapes often occur in wet season. Thirdly, the pH value of copy paper is neutral. At present, acid printing paper is mixed with copy paper, and acid paper is filled with talcum powder and aluminum sulfate. Talcum powder is big and hard, and its binding force with pulp fiber is poor, which causes the paper powder to fall off and wear the copier. Aluminum sulfate combines with water molecules in the air to produce acid, which corrodes paper and becomes brittle and yellow. In the copier, high temperature produces acid steam, which corrodes the copier and harms human health. Four, copy paper manufacturing process should be anti-static chemical treatment. Without anti-static chemical treatment or low technical level, electrostatic adsorption will occur and multiple sheets of paper will be fed, especially in dry season. At the same time, static electricity will make the paper inlet look black, and paper dust will be adsorbed on the paper, paper inlet and copier body, resulting in spots when copying. The thinner the paper with the same weight, the better. Thinner means higher processing level, higher density, better hardness and moisture resistance. Copy paper cut from acid printing paper feels thicker, softer and rougher, and contains more water, which is more harmful to the copier. Six, copy paper packaging materials should use internationally recognized P.E coated film, automatic sealing with hot melt adhesive machine. This kind of heavy packaging has good waterproof and moisture-proof performance, instead of packing with ordinary paper, sealing with adhesive tape or manually sealing with adhesive or double-sided tape.