The formula of multiplication has existed for a long time in ancient China. "The weight of the pipe" says: "The filter drama makes six holes to meet Yin and Yang, so that the number of ninety-nine is in line with heaven." "Han Shi Zhuan" cloud; "Qi Huangong gave a banquet in the imperial court, and others will come. In 1999, there will be people watching." The ancient multiplication formula is from top to bottom, from "998 1" to "one to one", and the order is opposite to the remainder. The ancients used the word "99" at the beginning of multiplication formula as the name of this formula, so it was called 99 multiplication table.
China used the "99 formula" earlier. Sentences such as "3927", "684 18", "483 12" and "6636" can be found in books such as Xunzi, Guanzi, Huainanzi and Warring States Policy. It can be seen that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, 99 multiplication songs became popular.
Who invented multiplication?
99 multiplication formula was first invented by China people. In ancient books where a hundred schools of thought contend, such as Xunzi, Guanzi and Huainanzi, you can find the formulas of 3927, 684 18 and 483 12.
However, the ancient multiplication formula is different from the modern one. The ancient multiplication formula, also called "Xiao Jiu Jiu", started with "998 1" and ended with "22 gets 4", because the multiplication formula started.
The word is "99", so people call it "99" for short. 13 and 14 centuries, mathematicians thought that "99.8 1" to "22 with 4" did not conform to the mathematical order from small to large, so they changed it from "22 with 4" to "99.8 1" and added "one by one with one".
This is how the multiplication formula was invented.
It was first invented in China.
So we should be proud of China.
Who invented the multiplication table?
The exact person cannot be verified, as follows:
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, not only the decimal system was invented, but also the nine-nine watch was invented. Later, the East was introduced to Korea and Japan, and then spread to India and Persia in the west through the Silk Road, which became popular all over the world. Decimal system and nine tables are important contributions of ancient China to world culture. Nowadays, countries around the world rarely use multiplication in Greece and other countries.
In China, the earliest multiplication formula table found at present is one of the more than 30,000 Qin bamboo slips unearthed in Liye ancient city of western Hunan in 2002, in which the multiplication formula is recorded in detail. Different from today's multiplication formula table, the formula table on Qin bamboo slips does not start from "one by one to get one", but from "998 1" to "two and a half to get one".
The 99-99 multiplication melody is also often called "Little 99". The formula for students to learn "elementary ninety-nine" is from "11" to "998 1", but in ancient times, it was the other way around, from "998 1" to "11". Because the first two words of the formula are "99", people call it "99" for short. It was only in the 13 and 14 centuries that it became our 99 formula "one get one free" ... 998 1 ".
China used the "99 formula" earlier. Sentences such as "3927", "684 18", "483 12" and "6636" can be found in books such as Xunzi, Guanzi, Huainanzi and Warring States Policy. Thus, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, "Ninety-nine Riding Songs" had become popular.
Jiujiubiao, also known as Jiujiuge and Jiuyinge, is the basic calculation rule in multiplication, division, square root and other operations in ancient China. It has been used for more than two thousand years. Pupils and some school-age children can recite it. But Europe didn't know this simple multiplication table until the beginning of 13 century.
Which country invented the multiplication formula?
The formula of multiplication is the basic calculation rule of multiplication, division and square root in ancient China, which has been used for more than two thousand years. The ancient multiplication formula was from top to bottom, from "998 1" to "one to one", contrary to the order used now. Therefore, the ancients used the word "999" at the beginning of the multiplication formula as the name of this formula, also known as "999 Table", "999 Song" and "999 Multiplication Table".
In March of 20 15, after the multiplication table of 1999 was introduced into Britain, it was difficult to recite the formula because of different languages. The British version may be changed to "12× 12 multiplication table" after one lesson and one practice.