Once upon a time, a very poor old woodcutter took out a little money he had accumulated in his life and said to his son, "This is my hard-earned money. You can use it for tuition. If you learn skills, you can support me when I am too old to move."
My son has entered a very good school, and he is excellent in all subjects, and the teacher is very appreciative of him. But he ran out of money, and although he didn't graduate, he had to go back to his father. The father said sadly to his son, "I have no money to give you any more. I really can't help it."
The son said, "Everything is arranged by God. I will accompany you into the mountains to cut firewood tomorrow. We won't die of hunger."
Father said, "We only have an axe, and besides, you can't do such heavy work." The son asked his father to borrow an axe for him, and the father and son went into the mountains to cut wood together. At noon, the father called his son to rest and eat. My son refused to rest and wandered around the forest.
He stopped in front of a tall oak tree and thought, "There must be exotic birds making nests on it." He was thinking about whether to climb up, when suddenly there came a gloomy and piercing voice calling, "Let me out, let me out." He followed the sound and found a small hole. He opened the small hole and saw a crystal bottle with something like a frog jumping up and down. Without thinking, he picked up the vial and pulled out the cork. The contents of the bottle jumped out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a ferocious monster half a tree high. Standing in front of the students, he screamed and said, "Do you know what kind of reward you will get if you let me out?"
the student said, "I haven't thought about it, of course I don't know."
the monster said, "I will break your neck."
The student said, "That's ridiculous. I saved you!"
The monster said, "It is because you saved me that I want to break your neck. I am the messenger of the gods, but I was punished in a bottle. I swore that whoever saved me would break his neck."
The student said, "Wait a minute, I don't believe that a big man like you will jump out of the bottle. If you go back to the bottle, I will believe that you are telling the truth."
The monster said, "This is too simple." It said, huddled up and jumped back into the bottle. The student immediately capped the bottle stopper tightly and said to the monster, "You can break your own neck now."
The monster said, "Please let me go, and I will reward you well and never break your neck."
The student said, "You are not deceiving me, are you?"
The monster said, "Never, you can't miss the chance to get lifelong happiness."
The student decided to take a risk. He pulled out the cork, and the goblin became a giant again. He stood in front of him and said, "I want to reward you heavily and give you this cloth. If you wipe any wound with this end, it will recover immediately. If you wipe steel with the other end, it will turn into silver. Good luck, little one. " The goblin said that and disappeared into a cool breeze.
The student took the cloth and thought, "I should try it and see if it works." He picked up an axe and chopped the trunk, then wiped it with a cloth, and the wound magically healed. He wiped the axe with a cloth and it became a silver axe. He lifted the silver axe to cut wood, and the axe rolled its blade. The student said to his father, "This axe is broken and can't be used any more. Let's go home."
Father said, "You sell the bad axe and buy a new one to pay back to your neighbor. I'll make up for the difference."
My son sold an axe to a silversmith and got 4 yuan. Then he bought a new axe and returned it to his neighbor.
He gave the rest of the money to his father, who was surprised and asked, "Where did you get so much money? We are honest people and will never do the bad things of theft. "
The student told his father how to release the devil, and his father turned his anger into joy and said, "So I can enjoy my old age comfortably."
The students took out another sum of money and finished all the courses in the school. After graduation, they took the cloth to practice medicine everywhere, cured many patients and became the most famous surgeon in the world.