Wei Huiwang 1:
Wei Huiwang is the son of Wei Wuhou. In nine years, Wang Hui moved its capital from Anyi. From then on, Wei was also called Liang. He once dug a gap, irrigated the fields with water from Putian Ze, created the system of selecting soldiers, and built the Great Wall in the west. In the seventeenth year, he was defeated by Qi in Guiling, and the following year, he was defeated by Qi, Song and Wei in Xiangling.
In 26 years, among the six countries outside Chu, the first one was king. In 344 BC, he called the Fengze Conference, and led 12 governors to court the Zhou Emperor. In 29 years, Qi was defeated by Ma Ling, and the state power declined. In the first year of Yuan Dynasty, Empress Hui met her in Xuzhou and was honored as king. Wang Wei also recognized him as the king, known as "King Xiang of Xuzhou" in history.
In 12 years, Wei Li Gongsun Yan was the "king of the five countries" of Wei, Han, Zhao, Yan and Zhongshan to resist Qin. Zou Yan, Chunyu Kun and Mencius were the main players because of the defeat. In his later years, he was repeatedly attacked by Qin State, and successively lost to Hexi and. In the 16th year of Yuan Dynasty, Wei Si succeeded to the throne, namely Wei Xiangwang. ?
2. Wei Xiangwang:
Ji, Wei Mingsi, the son of He, the fourth monarch of Wei during the Warring States Period, ascended the throne in 3 18 BC. Wei Xiangwang died in 296 BC, and his son, King Wei Zhaowang, succeeded him.
3. Wei Zhaowang:
Wei Chi was a great man of Wei State, the fifth monarch of Wei State during the Warring States Period, the son of Wei Xiangwang, and the father of King Li of Andrew West and Wei Wuji.
4. Wei Anli Wang:
Wei Cong, a native of A Liang, Wei, was the sixth monarch of Wei during the Warring States Period, the son and brother of King Zhao of Wei, and the father of King Jing of Wei.
5. King Wei Jingling:
Wei Jingwang, Ji surname, Wei surname, Ming Zeng, Yi Wu, the son of Wei Anli, was the monarch of Wei during the Warring States Period and reigned from 242 BC to 228 BC. In the first year of Wei Jingzhuo, Qin Ba Wei was twenty cities, thinking that Qin Dong County.
Wei Jingzhuo sent an envoy to Zhao, made an alliance with him and put forward the idea of resisting Qin. Zhao, Han, Wei, Chu and Yan formed an alliance, and * * * pushed Zhao to be handsome. In the fifteenth year of Wei Jingchu, Wei Jingchu died and his son Wei Wangjia acceded to the throne.
Wei, Ji surname, Wei surname, false surname. The eighth king of Wei in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. From 227 BC to 225 BC, he reigned as the son of King Wei Jing. Wei Jinglian died in fifteen years, and his son Wei ascended the throne.
In the first year of Wei Dynasty, Yan Taizi Dan made Jing Ke stab the king of Qin and was found. In the second year of Wei, someone rebelled against Qin in Xinzheng and was suppressed. In March of the third year of Wei Dynasty, Wang Ben, the general of Qin State, led the Yellow River and fissure water to irrigate Daliangcheng, causing numerous casualties in the city. Wang Wei surrendered and Wei perished. After eight biographies and nine emperors, 179 was founded. Qin destroyed Wei and made it a county.