Three Han ancient books

Xuantu, Le Lang and Emperor Wudi are all Koreans and barbarians. After the decline of Yin Dao, Ji Zi went to North Korea to teach his people etiquette. Hou Zhun claimed to be the king, and was captured by Wei Man, a dead man of Yan State, and sent his left and right concubines into the sea. It must have been broken by Weiman, but thousands of others went into the sea, attacked Mahan, broke it and became the king of Korea. The Han Dynasty belongs to Lelang County, and worships heaven at four o'clock.

Therefore, Mahan is a descendant of Shang Dynasty.

Chen Han, a-year-old man, said that Qin died, was free from hard labor, adapted to South Korea, and was similar to Qin dialect, hence the name Qin Han.

Chen Mi and Chen Han live together, with the same clothes, the same language and customs, and strict criminal law.

Mahan, Chen Han and Han Ge tribes are collectively called the Three Han Dynasties.

There are Japanese people in the Sea of Le Lang, who come to see the clouds at the age of 100.