Xi's interpretation of ancient books
(Kangxi Dictionary does not accept the prefix "sacrifice". Please refer to the word "sacrifice". ) Tang Yun Ji will be full of rhyme and sound. Speaking of the worship in Wenzong Temple. Yin Min, the son of Shu Weizi, is stealing gods to sacrifice today. Color is pure and sacrificial. Li Yun: The Emperor sacrifices cattle. Pure color must be used for the sacrifice of the son of heaven, so we know that pure color is also called sacrifice. Poetry Xiaoya Ming and me, sacrifice sheep and me, take the society as the party.
Truffles like to sacrifice. Sacrifice is pure. Li Qulifan's family made sacrificial vessels first, and sacrificed them second. It is better to pay attention to sacrifice than sacrifice, and the ritual vessels are dedicated to the distribution of catfish. Carved into the shape of a sacrifice to a cow, as a tribute, is also a rhyme collection.