What is the study time in Mexico City?

Have breakfast at 9 a.m.

Lunch time is after 3 pm.

Personal lunch will be put off until evening.

Dinner is usually after 8 pm.

Diego adopted three time zones: standard time zone, midwest time zone and western time zone. Mexico implements daylight saving time, which is increased by 1 hour in summer and decreased by 1 hour in winter (roughly in sync with neighboring USA). Note: The following instructions will be based on daylight saving time. When calculating the winter time, please automatically subtract 1 hour.

Western time zone: Green system minus 8, Beijing time minus 15, which is in sync with the western time zone of the United States (for example, California). This only includes BAJA California Peninsula in western Mexico.

Midwest time zone: Green minus 7, Beijing time minus 14, which is synchronous with the Midwest time zone in the United States (for example, Arizona). This includes five states in central and western Mexico: Chihuahua, Nayarit, sinaloa, Sonora and BAJA California Sul.

Standard time zone: Greenwich Mean Time minus 6, Beijing Time minus 13, synchronized with Central Time in the United States (for example, Texas). In addition to the areas covered by the above two time zones, the central and eastern parts of Mexico, which occupy an overwhelming area, use standard time.

When you are traveling at the junction of time zones, you may want to use the clock at the bus stop, airport or any public place to determine your time.