In October of the first year of the Han Dynasty (206 BC), Pei Gong's army arrived in Bashang first among all the governors. Zi Ying, the king of Qin, drove a white car and a white horse, strangled his neck with a silk rope, sealed the emperor's decree and surrendered beside the Zhi (Paper) Road. Some generals said that the king of Qin should be killed. Pei Gong said: Chu Huaiwang sent me to tackle key problems. I thought I could be generous and tolerant. Besides, it is unlucky to kill people after they surrender.
So he handed the king of Qin over to the competent official and entered Chengyang to the west. Pei Gong wanted to stay in Qin Gong and have a rest, but Fan Kuai and Sean dissuaded him. This just ordered the Qin Gong's property sealed, and then go back to be stationed on the bully. Pei Gong summoned elders and talented and prestigious people from all counties and told them that the elders had suffered from the tyrannical laws of the Qin Dynasty for a long time, and those who criticized the gains and losses of state affairs would be extinct, and those who got together to discuss would be sentenced to death. I agreed with the governors that whoever entered the customs first would be the king here, so I was the king of Guanzhong. Now I have reached an agreement with my elders that there are only three laws: the murderer is sentenced to death, and the injured robber is punished according to law. Other laws of the Qin Dynasty were abolished. All officials and people live and work in peace and contentment as usual. In a word, I'm here to kill pests for my elders, and I won't harm you. Please don't be afraid! Besides, I am withdrawing from hegemony because I want to wait for the arrival of various rulers and make a law with them. Then he sent people to visit counties, towns and villages with officials of the Qin Dynasty. Explain the situation to the people. The people of the state of Qin were very happy and rushed to send cattle, sheep, wine and food to comfort the soldiers. Pei Gongtui refused to accept, saying: There is a lot of food in the warehouse, and there is no shortage. I don't want everyone to spend money. People are more happy, lest Pei Gong is not the king of Qin in Guanzhong.
Some people lobbied Pei Gong to say that Qin was ten times richer than other regions and had a good geographical situation. Now I heard that Zhang Han surrendered to Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu named him the eternal king and reigned in Guanzhong. If he comes now, Pei Gong, I'm afraid you won't have this place. You can quickly send troops to guard Hangu Pass, and don't let the vassal army come in. And gradually recruit soldiers in Guanzhong to strengthen their own strength to resist them. Pei admitted that what he said was reasonable, so he followed his plan. 1 1 In the middle of the month, Xiang Yu really led the vassal army to the west and wanted to enter Hangu Pass. But the door is closed. Xiang Yu was very angry when he heard that Pei Ping had settled Guanzhong, so he sent Qing Bu and others to conquer Hangu Pass. 1In mid-February, I went into the water. Cao Wushang, Sajima of Pei Gong, heard that Xiang Yu was angry and wanted to attack Pei Gong, so he sent someone to say to Xiang Yu: Pei Gong wants to be king in Guanzhong, let Prince Qin Ying be prime minister, and take all the treasures of Qin Gong for himself. Cao Wushang wants to be raised by Xiang Yu. Father Fan Zeng persuaded Xiang Yu to attack Pei Gong. Xiang Yu was rewarding soldiers and preparing to fight Pei Gong the next day. At this time, there were 400,000 soldiers in Xiang Yu, claiming to be millions; Pei has a public army of 100,000, claiming to be 200,000, but its strength is not as good as that of Xiang Yu. It happened that Xiang Bo wanted to save Sean and went to see Sean at night. He took the opportunity to tell Xiang Yu what Liu Bang had said, and Xiang Yu forgot about it. The next day, Pei Gong took more than 100 followers to Hong Men to see Xiang Yu and apologize to him. Xiang Yu said: This is what Pei Gong Sajima Cao Wushang said. Why else would I be like this? Pei Gong was able to get away and return because he took Fan Kuai and Sean. Go back to the barracks and kill Cao immediately.